I want to water 4 to 6 hrs before lights out.how bad would that be?


Well-Known Member
I will try to keep this short.
I am currently unemployed.
I do not spend as much time in my garden as i would like.
My lights come on a 6pm. By that time my wife and kids are home.
And I need to spend that time with them. Checking homework etc.
Do to electric peak prices. I dont want to run light on during the day.
So i was thinking.
If i move my light schedule to 12 mid to 12 noon. Then i could wake up at 6 am and go to work.
Is that to late in their day to water them.
I would have everything already mixed up ready to go.
If i could make this work then i could spend more time with everyone.
Please any and all comments welcome.
Let me have it.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
No problems there. Water at whatever time you like coz it doesnt make much difference aslong as they are being fed its all good.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replys. much appreciated.
the reason i ask is in the tools bible (cervantes).
he says not to water to late in the day.
the whole moisture sitting there speal.
thank again.


Well-Known Member
I will try to keep this short.
I am currently unemployed.
I do not spend as much time in my garden as i would like.
My lights come on a 6pm. By that time my wife and kids are home.
And I need to spend that time with them. Checking homework etc.
Do to electric peak prices. I dont want to run light on during the day.
So i was thinking.
If i move my light schedule to 12 mid to 12 noon. Then i could wake up at 6 am and go to work.
Is that to late in their day to water them.
I would have everything already mixed up ready to go.
If i could make this work then i could spend more time with everyone.
Please any and all comments welcome.
Let me have it.
Dude even though it 12 am. It's morning time when ever those lights come on. So I would advise just watering them when the light comes on. I myself have found making the lights come on at night, is very beneficial to me. First, ur absolutely correct. The electric rates are about .03 cheaper at night. +++++++ I can't stress enough how much better on the heat issue being that it's almost summertime around my way. It's 90 degree's right now. And it's suppose to be in mid-high 90's by 3ish. So what happens is my house is fairly cool through out the day, so I close ALL the vents to my house and put the A/C on very low auto setting. Keeps the room OOOOOh so nice. Over 68 degrees and under 75 degrees(that's their night time of course) now when the lights turn on I barely move the A/C thermometer-thing-a-ma-jiggy down maybe 2 degrees and it's still set on automatic so I don't have the A/C running constantly and with the help of 2-12in Oscillating fan, 1-6in Oscillating fan, and 1 reg. fan. I get all the fresh air moved around in my room. And all I have is 2 plants. But I make sure there is air in there. SO I have my 12/12 from 11pm-11am(day/light) then 11am-11pm(night/dark). I can work on them after 11pm which I always do my res change and all the important stuff.. like prune or any cuttings. Anything that u should do at morning I do at 11pm. And if I chose to do something I always have ALL morning, when no one is home, to do what I need to do, that would make alot of noise. Moving things around. Moving the lights up, ETC! And the biggest +++++++++++++ about the whole 11pm-11am is................ The growth actually is noticeable cause ur not in there ALL day checking al ur babies. LMFAO:lol:. I speak on myself on that comment cause my first grow. I would constantly be in there checkin. Then when I started using the night time as days. And I was sleeping when the light was on, it made a big difference on not messing w./ the girls. And it should thru them not stressing as much. I just let them do what they do best, and I do what I do best. And that's....... Smoke them bitches!:weed: :peace: -Dodge


Well-Known Member
Thanks drdodge. What chores to you do at lights on. I am a morning person.
So being up a midnight to do anything is not likely.


New Member
First off throw away everything cervantes he's a fuckwad.. And that's perfectly fine but ifusing nutes try and avoid getting water on the leaves as they will burn unger ur hid. But yeah water when u want and can just make sure they actually need it


Well-Known Member
Thanks drdodge. What chores to you do at lights on. I am a morning person.
So being up a midnight to do anything is not likely.
That's understandable. It doesn't HAVE to be at 12 am persay. U can make it at 10pm and have an hour. Anything after 8-9 pm and ur fine as far as electric rates. So say u make it 10 pm. U have an hour to feed. Then at 6 am u can do anything that shouldn't be done at morning. I am in no way saying 6 hours before lights out is wrong. I am a strong believer though in doing anything that the plant has to "adapt or take notice to(if that makes any sense to u)" to in the "morning/lights on" such as feedin or flushing, or cutting. So they have all day to recover from any stress or anything that we as humans might not really realize is happening. Anything else to me I do in the morning. I normally have my res(hydroponics) changed and to a perfect temperature in 1 hour(though I only have 2 plant, so only 2-4 gallon buckets to change out) BUT!!!!!!!! I can't see u watering the plants, even if it's 10, taking longer than me fully changing, rinsing out, measuring my FILTERED(sorry for the emphasis) water, that has been bubbling in airstones for 48 hours, then mixing my Nute recipe and cooling the water/solution back to 62 degrees, which in that time gives my nutes time to settle down and start reacting. Meanwhile my roots are getting dsome fresh air. Once my temp has reached 62 degrees, I double,triple,quadruple check my PPM/EC and my pH to ensure me that it hasn't changed. And ever since I started using the recipe I use and doing things this way, My pH never changes. Hell even if I try to add pH up or down it won't budge! U have to have ur water at the desired pH before u start mixing. So if ur pH is 5.8 when u start mixing the nutes, ur pH will be 5.7-5.9 and will remain there even if u top the res off with unproper pH balance water. Ain't that some shit. And it's funny, cause I have been trying to increase my pH from 5.7 to 6.0 because sativas require higher pH and I can't get it to go. I have added more than 3 times what I need to use and it won't budge. 3 days later and still no pH change. So the only way to change that pH is dumping the whole solution. Hope some of this info help. But if I were u I would do 10pm-10am(if u don't mind being up till 11) and at least just feed at 10pm. Shouldn't take but a second. Just have ur nutes mixed up before the lights come on, and as soon as the light comes on, get in there..... BADDA BING< BADDA BOOM. You're done in no time. Then in the morning u can pull ur pants down and jack off in front of her as u normally do. LMAO Actually the truth is....... that's wat I do every morning...... I'm a sick bastard.. LMFAO! Just kiddin people! And anything else u'll have 4 hours when u wake up. U'll appreciate her so much more being far away from her that much longer. Trust me! :peace:-Dodge


that would b bad, make it as natural as possible, when it rains clouds cover the sun, so no water when lights go off so plants can asorb all light


Well-Known Member
First off throw away everything cervantes he's a fuckwad..
Erkelsgoo420.... LOL... Just because a person is in a mag or on TV does not mean they have talent. Examples: Vanillia Ice or Milly Vanilly
Need I say more.... LOL ...
Bossman81888..... Just water / feed when it works for you. As long as your soil does not completely dry out and your plants are being feed on a regular schedule, no worries.
These grow books are helpful tools, but they should only be used as general guidelines. I also value the time I spend with my family. I feel no need to keep every parameter exact, for maybe a few grams more.


Well-Known Member
Erkelsgoo420.... LOL... Just because a person is in a mag or on TV does not mean they have talent. Examples: Vanillia Ice or Milly Vanilly

Dude that's messed up. I freakin LOVED "Blame it on the rain, Raaaiiian. Blame it on the stars, Stauuuaars! (notice I even wrote the lyrics in the way they sang it.) Does that make me a cornball:roll:? LMFAO!
Need I say more.... LOL ...

These grow books are helpful tools, but they should only be used as general guidelines. I also value the time I spend with my family. I feel no need to keep every parameter exact, for maybe a few grams more.

Dude I soooo agree. A lot of people on here fight over "opinions". They fail to realize that when they speak, they're talking about their OWN personal experience on growing. NOW????? Does that make it the right way? Hell No. I learned that the HARD way. What one grower(who works IN my local Hydro Supply Store?) recommended to me........ Almost killed my entire crop! I mean it turned my roots into smelly purple, falling apart goo mush, within a few hours after adding what he recommended. End resulting in a weak yield. And this guy is a veteran! So ones great recommendation might be a disaster to someone else. And I even showed him how I mixed it, the temp of my res. After he saw everything I did, he said it was wierd cause I did everything as he had instructed. Sooooo ur absolutely right. Even though I have watched Jorge Cervantes and I DO respect the man/men who do these instructional videos, BUT I just take info from all of them, as I do also here on RIU, and then I run with what I THINK suits me best. But all of these posts and books are just based on ur own opinion based on ur personal experience. I need to stop getting stoned and then coming on here. Cause MY posts always turn into a BOOK! LMFAO! Sorry people I'm stoned and feeling X rated..... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! LMFAO! Everyone have a great night. :peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah, the experimenting/trying new things is one of the best parts of growing imo (on only a small percentage of your plants so that if ya kill 1 accidently its not a big loss of course)