i was done a long time ago


Well-Known Member
"hallucinogens expand your mind", said the homeless man.

all the insight in the world won't change it.

it's cool to check it out, but no reason to move in.

i hold no regrets.

there comes a point in your life when you realize "it's over". it's OK, you've made it thru.

This "IM DONE" shit is getting old. grow up guys. wrong forum to look for prayers.

atcually, it was meant to be helpful to those who may be indecisive.

there is nothing wrong with limiting the use of anything. there is nothing wrong seeking guidance while doing it.

haters gonna hate. of all the things you have to offer, you offer hatred. thanks man. :)

i haven't done much but weed in over 20 years. i use to consume anything that didn't involve a needle. what's wrong with me letting people know "it's OK"?

I swear, right after this bag of shrooms, I'm totally done. Oh crap, I forgot about this acid. Well, can't let that go to waste. Right after that, I promise. Oh drat, I think my weed may get stale if I don't smoke it right away. But after the weed, I'm totally done. Hey... still got some Adderall left over. Better take that, it could be dangerous to leave lying around. OK. Totally done. Is that peyote?
"hallucinogens expand your mind", said the homeless man.

all the insight in the world won't change it.

it's cool to check it out, but no reason to move in.

i hold no regrets.

there comes a point in your life when you realize "it's over". it's OK, you've made it thru.


i tend to agree fdd'ed... i had my share of fun in my hey days, in fact, i probably had my share, her share and his share, but it's time for me to grow up and start to live like one.. no more drugs other than the bud.. it's all i need really... i've seen all i'm going to see, had all my conversations with myself and my higher power that i need for one life time..
i don't put off anyone else who maybe still into those type of things, it's just that i feel beyond that now a days..
bud is still a drug.

ehh, i'm not really sure about that.. i guess technically it is only cuz of the way the world classifies it.. but in reality, i don't know what is so drug about it.. ok, it changes your perception and makes you feel good, but a lot of things in the world do that for you.. masturbation is one, and that's not a drug... i would just like to see the negative conatation removed from marijuana..
No. Really. When you smoke, THC get into your blood and interacts with your brain. Therefore: it is a drug. Air is necessary for life. That cannot be considered a drug. What is going on here?
Furthermore, although we all smoke bud every day, we know how dirty bongs get, imagine our lungs. We want to feel high so badly, that we dont even realize the damage it is causing to our brain cells and body. Obviously it is not healthy to inhale thick smoke. But we love it. Yeah we are all clean except for bud but I garentee if sydney stopped by, you'd drop eventually.
But, your brain is made with cannabinoid receptors. It's almost like it was meant to be ingested. Air interacts with your entire body. Wouldn't that classify it as a drug using the definition you just did? :)
No. Really. When you smoke, THC get into your blood and interacts with your brain. Therefore: it is a drug. Air is necessary for life. That cannot be considered a drug. What is going on here?
Furthermore, although we all smoke bud every day, we know how dirty bongs get, imagine our lungs. We want to feel high so badly, that we dont even realize the damage it is causing to our brain cells and body. Obviously it is not healthy to inhale thick smoke. But we love it. Yeah we are all clean except for bud but I garentee if sydney stopped by, you'd drop eventually.

whats a brain cell ?
You don't have to smoke it. You could vape it. Or ingest it. I think fdd's point was that no matter if you choose to do other drugs or not, you have no need to be ashamed. There's nothing wrong with it one way or another, as long as you're not harming anyone else.
Furthermore, although we all smoke bud every day, we know how dirty bongs get, imagine our lungs. We want to feel high so badly, that we dont even realize the damage it is causing to our brain cells and body. Obviously it is not healthy to inhale thick smoke. But we love it. Yeah we are all clean except for bud but I garentee if sydney stopped by, you'd drop eventually.
funny enough, oxygen is a drug in the sense that you can manipulate it to do crazy shit with your brain. You can control your breathing to make your brain do shit it only would in NDE or deep sleep..DMT is released in your brain while you are in REM. These are facts. Brain cells are cells or neurological tissue that grow and connect to one another to expand and facilitate sonic and electronic transmissions to different sectors of the brain to complete a task. Its very similar to a computer processor, with more or less GHZ. yeah you can play the sims on your 2002 800mhz but my quare-core 3.2 is going to run a little smoother... dont get me wrong. I wish I didnt smoke as much so I could remember guitar songs I wrote from years back but I cant! I love smoking too much.
I used to vap but I love the taste of a grape dutch master. or a green game. Its horrible for our health, especially the tabacco leaves. not to mention asthma. I agree that you shouldnt be ashamed of any decision you make but this is roll it up . org.
Maybe you could train your brain. Maybe you think the pot is affecting your memory, but it could be other factors, such as stress, or even not challenging yourself mentally. Anyway, I'll quit hijacking now.:P
funny enough, oxygen is a drug in the sense that you can manipulate it to do crazy shit with your brain. You can control your breathing to make your brain do shit it only would in NDE or deep sleep..DMT is released in your brain while you are in REM. These are facts. Brain cells are cells or neurological tissue that grow and connect to one another to expand and facilitate sonic and electronic transmissions to different sectors of the brain to complete a task. Its very similar to a computer processor, with more or less GHZ. yeah you can play the sims on your 2002 800mhz but my quare-core 3.2 is going to run a little smoother... dont get me wrong. I wish I didnt smoke as much so I could remember guitar songs I wrote from years back but I cant! I love smoking too much.
i agree with you fdd. i just want to leave on a good note with whatever i decide to take. if my experience with something ended badly, id want to return to it, so that i could redeem the experience with specific said something. its trivial. ocd? :peace: