i was told cuting the plant


Active Member
ok im a first time grower and i wasnt even planing on growing the plants i found some seeds threw them in a planter and they grew and now im takeing care of them hah so anyways i was told that when there about 5 to 6 inchs tall cut or slice them just a bit that it will branch off and produce more buds and be smaller and be more bush like is this true?


Well-Known Member
ok im a first time grower and i wasnt even planing on growing the plants i found some seeds threw them in a planter and they grew and now im takeing care of them hah so anyways i was told that when there about 5 to 6 inchs tall cut or slice them just a bit that it will branch off and produce more buds and be smaller and be more bush like is this true?

depends on numerous things. you can't just cut it and expect MORE buds though. indoor? outdoor? strain? grow area?.........


Active Member
its an outdoor and im not sure what kind it is i wasnt even expecting it to grow these are things i have heard from friends who have friends who got more friends so i figure i would ask people who would really know i really dont care about makeing MORE i just want to see it grow cause i take care of it every day its like a kid but more of a plant hah ohh yeah grow area is a big pot in my backyard it gets direct light from about 10:30-11 am to about 6:30-7 pm


Well-Known Member
give it plenty of water. nitrogen when it starts to fade into light green. phosphate when it starts to flower. tell it you love it again and again. that's it.



Active Member
ohh dont worry i tell it every day hah and you got some very nice looking plants there hope mine look at least similar for my first grow