I was told it was a hermie...


Active Member
I made a thread about a week ago asking if my plant was a hermie or not. Are these just large ass calyxes? Cause they're still looking like balls to me. But what do I know... I was about to kill them, should I?



yes.. you are right.. pistols and little male nutsacks... hence the term hermie.. bummer buddy, better luck next run good to get it out of the way now.


yup... my last grow I had a plant that turned hermie 5 1/2 weeks into flowering. every day i had to spend like 45min tweezering out the male flowers when they popped up before they got any bigger. it was a hassle but well worth the effort


Active Member
so there really is no doubt that this is a hermie? Even though there are pistols coming out of those things? The top circle has a pistol coming out of it, the bottom one with nothing. Recently pistols have stared coming out of this things that I circled. This really sucks that I kill these.


strain stalker

New Member
so there really is no doubt that this is a hermie? Even though there are pistols coming out of those things? The top circle has a pistol coming out of it, the bottom one with nothing. Recently pistols have stared coming out of this things that I circled. This really sucks that I kill these.
...that is "forsure" a hermie.

Hermaphrodite: An individual having flowers of both sexes on the same plant.

...one hermaphrodite that produces ONLY ONE pollen sack can pollinate your whole garden, so....if you don't kill it you'll have seeds in all of your plants.
...good luck.


Well-Known Member
Some strains produce "bananas" late in flower...those can be tweezered off and be worth your while....What you have is a full-on HERMIE! with full balls like a male...KILL THAT THING NOW!!!!!!!!! and clean the area.

Regardless of the fact that you see pistils (female pistillate flowers)...those are male flowers(staminate flowers)!!!



Active Member
well, that effin sucks... I seriously gota clean the whole area. I dont want any trace pollen anywhere. How the hell can you tell the difference between a female and a hermie if pistols can grow out of the male pollen sacks?