I will need some help along the way


Well-Known Member
I started a bunch of seeds in April. Most didn't make it and then I had 5 good ones. My cats ate 2. Then they were looking good and then one turned male. I am sure one is female and the other I thought hermie at first but is looking like there is no balls. So I am trying to clone the one as I can't get my hands on babies and it is probably to late to start seeds. I would just like someone to help me along the way with fertilizing and stuff.


I will post some pictures.


Well-Known Member
I will get some pictures for you. I am growing outside. I have them in 18" black pots in sunshine mix #4. I grew them from seed starting April 1st inside and then transplanted them into these pots May 30th and put them outside. It is usually around 23 C here. I used to have someone helping me with my grow but he is now suing me over land an we don't talk. So I am lost at when to use my 20-20-20. I know to use my organic (I forget the numbers) when it starts to flower. I hope to write down this year when it does as I know so many ask about that. I reside in around Vancouver BC Canada. I guess I pretty much just wing it and hope for the best. Last year I did lollypopping but no topping. I grew them sideways to keep them out of the eye of neighbors. They get lots of sun and did well for me last year as I use it for my arthritis and don't need it to be a harsh stone.


Well-Known Member
Ok this is what my girls look like today.
Kush 1
Kush 2
Looks like Kush one is in flower and Kush 2 might just being into flower.
These were started from seeds. I had plants that seeded a few years ago and saved them for when I had no way of buying.
They might not b the best but they are better then nothing.
I have also tried cloning the one and they look good so far and it has been a few weeks.
Should I feed them 20-20-20 or go with my organic 0-10-10?
I have lollypopped Kush 1 just a bit and Kush 2 had more when it was younger.
Kush 1 was clipped at the top so she doesn't grow to high for neighbors to see or she gets to big I can't move her if ever needed.
I am just in shock that they are going to go into flower so soon but then again we have had overwhelmingly nice weather the past few months.

