I will no longer trim before hanging..for real try it...way better...

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I've always cut separate branches and trimmed at harvest because I thought it would limit the amount of trichs lost. When you chop a branch off an already dry plant, don't the trichs just come shimmering off it like snow??? That's how I always imagined it would happen... and all the snapping action and vibration from cutting through dry stem... shaking the trichs off?
i admit leaving the flower leaves on for drying sounds beneficial but leaving the fan leaves on seems completely superfluous

and where do you get this 14 day number?

Well because after at least 14 days the leaves have dried enough so they aren't stuck to the buds, they are just totally crispy and just brush off...
If you hang the whole plant and try to take it down and trim it after let's say only 7 days, then the leaves are just sort of limp, perhaps slightly crispy, but just enough to be annoying and hard to trim off...
the sugar leaves don't do anything to protect the buds, but the large fan leaves do...and that is the whole point of doing this...the leaves sort of roll up around the buds, protecting them from drying too fast, and also from degrading the THC with light...so it just makes for a better finished smoke than when you trim it before hand...
It isn't some amazing miracle thing, but just something to try, that some people prefer...
I haven't had any pot lose all smell, and no smell come back...but when I dry the whole plant as one and trim after the buds have more smell than the ones that were trimmed prior to hanging...

Either way it is the fan leaves that do the protecting and light shading...so if you leave just the sugar leaves you may as well just go ahead and trim the whole thing, because you will be missing the beneficial part of hanging the whole plant.
I've always cut separate branches and trimmed at harvest because I thought it would limit the amount of trichs lost. When you chop a branch off an already dry plant, don't the trichs just come shimmering off it like snow??? That's how I always imagined it would happen... and all the snapping action and vibration from cutting through dry stem... shaking the trichs off?

Never had any sort of trichome rainfall...but I am sure some do get knocked off...but you lose some when you wet trim too...

Either way you get some gooey stuff on your scissors that is always a great way to relax after harvest.
I have harvested numerous plants and have even tried doing it this way before, but I usually trim the buds up and then leave them hanging..but I got lazy last time and just hung the whole thing...it takes it a good little bit longer to dry, but once it is dry trimming is a snap literally, your scissors don't get so gummed up you have to keep cleaning them just to finish, and the finished product is already mostly cured...I mean you just can't beat that...and instead of that green weed smell you smell while trimming fresh stuff, when it is already dried with the buds inside it smells like the dried and cured finished product...I tried this once before, but didn't let it dry totally before I took it down to finish trimming and put it in the jar, and it was nearly impossible to get trimmed...But if you pull the whole plant and then just leave it alone for like a week and half- 2 weeks then when you do take the plant down it is ready for jars...and you won't have to keep opening and closing the jar either...I mean it is ready for the jar...lol. Not too dry, but as I said I think the leaves kind of start to cure the buds, as opposed to when they are hanging there naked just drying...the outside of the buds can't dry faster than the inside, because the whole bud becomes the inside...the leaves are perfectly designed to fall and wrap around each bud..coincidence? I think not....
And I can leave less trimmed off without affecting the taste of the end product too much as well....I really think this might be my new method from here on out...I mean it takes longer before I get to try some, but it won't kill me to wait...
I find that when dealing with plants you can never have too much patience...lol
Anyway just finished putting away a tobacco hung plant and wanted everyone to look into, because I like it way better...

i got lazy and did that about a year ago adn my bud has always been great from doing it.. lets me relax and trim it as i please too takes alot of the labour out of the love, and it saves me soo much time when its ready i chop it and hang it up. much time lets me save
i usually remove fan leaves but leave everything else on... this is due when its time to do a final manicure i can just trim into a sugarleaf pile and save
I have always hung the whole plant and trimmed as the days went by, I only did this because its a easy ass way to trim. I trim for about 30 min a day and by the time the bud feels dry to the touch I'm all done trimming. Fuck spending hours on hours of trimming the first day. Hang the whole plant upside down and spend about 30 min a day. By the last day you need to trim your buds will be dry.
the best way to dry is by using a microwave... lmao

hey but for real though i got a micro its from like 70 or 80 and man that shit barely heats up anything but when it comes to drying out weed it does an awesome job. the smoke may come out a little harsh and definitly less potent(not by that much) but it still tastes like killer weed and only take 5min cause it good to go on full power(3 sec bursts, take it out blow on it/ hold it in the freezer)ive used other micros but they seem to just fry that shit.

honestly i think i got the best micro in the world.
I read that is the natural way (not the rushed way) and its much much better.. i'm trying it that way with my grow this time
Bud still smells dank and appears to have been curing. But the negative is it's a fair bit more difficult to trim cleanly, at least it felt that way to me. Probably won't continue with it as you can control your drying room conditions to slow down the drying process as well. Still, if you have less control over your conditions I can see definite uses for this technique, something everyone should know.

Overall a positive result for me but trimming wet plants is easier and I don't mind investing some cash in climate control for the drying room.
so many different opinions and I tried them all.. here goes the simple facts for those who just dont know..

if you trim first and remove buds from stem you can place on a rack and have them dried in half the time. this method is fine and dandy if all your gonna do is package and sell it, but if your growing for personal like myself than its just foolish to dry your buds this way..
now for the connoisseur grower if you hang your entire plant stem fans and all and allow to slow dry than you will end up with a crisp pure smoke that no rapid dried bud will even come close too..
I've been following this thread a bit and I haven't even reached my first harvest yet. Oh, what to do, what to do?.. lol

I think I will try it. :D I wanted to try a re-veg in case i have a keeper strain from my bag seed to make clones from later though. Hmm
so many different opinions and I tried them all.. here goes the simple facts for those who just dont know..

if you trim first and remove buds from stem you can place on a rack and have them dried in half the time. this method is fine and dandy if all your gonna do is package and sell it, but if your growing for personal like myself than its just foolish to dry your buds this way..
now for the connoisseur grower if you hang your entire plant stem fans and all and allow to slow dry than you will end up with a crisp pure smoke that no rapid dried bud will even come close too..

Takes a week to dry for me then keeps curing in jars. I don't have an issue with drying too quickly. I do see what commercial guys do, my smoke is far better. As long as you put them in jars at the proper time they should keep curing either way.

This way is definitely more fool proof though, I will say that for sure. If your humidifier or whatever breaks down it can screw you over. I had that happen with one plant which did actually end up continuing with it's cure, but it sure took a lot longer to bring out the flavor.
I am a little less than a month away from my first harvest and for the last few months I intended to cut off branches and trim before drying.
But then this thread came along and convinced me that I should try out some whole-plant drying as well.
I've gotten varied phenotypes from this batch of seeds and expect some to take longer to mature than others.
Planning on whole-plant-drying half and section-drying the other half.
Expecting to get roughly the same results, except with different drying/curing times.
Nice thread, though, informative.
u should clip off any yellowing leaves when drying , it may cause disease while drying :-X
this is what i do, i just cop and hang, i break and manicure afterword, my plants can get so much sugarleaf that i don't bother trimming, that goes for most of my tga gear and a few others.
The only problem i see with this method is that there is some actual science to a true real cure. From my understanding there's aerobic bacteria that feed othe chlorophyll in the buds but this only happens with the proper moisture and GLASS jars
Takes a week to dry for me then keeps curing in jars. I don't have an issue with drying too quickly. I do see what commercial guys do, my smoke is far better. As long as you put them in jars at the proper time they should keep curing either way.

This way is definitely more fool proof though, I will say that for sure. If your humidifier or whatever breaks down it can screw you over. I had that happen with one plant which did actually end up continuing with it's cure, but it sure took a lot longer to bring out the flavor.

To follow up on the curing thing... I had my humidifier break and I left it over a day, I had one plant hanging that had quite large and dense buds. It had a faint fruity/musky odor on chop and had been maintaining just fine, but when I checked that had gone and it smelled like chlorophyll. Fortunately for me they were quite dense and the interiors did not dry out to the point of no return. Some microlife kept going and eventually (over a month) the smell came back. I might recommend this method to those who have weed that doesn't smell very strong or is pretty light and fluffy/airy like a pure sativa. It would probably serve you well, although the sativa sure would be a bitch to trim.
I grew 9 plants indoor the first time and 10 plants the second time. I thought I only could wet trim...but it takes forever. I had at least a pound to go through this last time, and without help, I found it impossible. I wet trimmed a few ounces (dry) and hung to dry and put into jars. The rest I said "Fug it" and I chopped the plants and hung to dry. Then I had a death in the family...these plants sat a few weeks. When I got to them, it was easy to clip the buds--still time consuming, but not as messy/gunky. I put them into Ball/Kerr Jars and my "ruined" tahoe OG was damn good smoke. Also the other usable parts of the plant (trim, small undeveloped buds, etc) made damn good joints and edibles/budder/oil.

I will never waste the time wet trimming--the difference good or bad is debatable. I showed some people my wet vs dry and they were stoked about both of them--and remember my dry was out of a disaster. Sometimes that's the best way to find out these tricks.

I'm setting up a 30 plant grow with what I learned (all medical mj)...I will be drying and trimming, no doubt--unless I can hire some of you to 'fug' with the wet LOL.
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