i wish overgrow was still around


Well-Known Member
A bad site...no. This site has it's niche. This site seems to be more geared towards helping and whatnot. There is another site I go to to watch the real bangin grows.

It's cool here, don't hate so much.


Well-Known Member
How could anyone say anything bad about this site. It's very helpful and the guys/girls on here are super nice. Some people are so negative.



Well-Known Member
i like this site, i liked overgrow too, i think og had alot more people on it though. and alot of the amsterdam guys.


Well-Known Member
I miss OG too, BUT to say this site sucks is not the truth. People are helpful, generally kind and as you may or may not see...it is definantly growing in size and information. I think it will dupe OG in time to be honest. It is very simple though, if you don't like it...do not come around. R.I.P. OG onward RIU!


Well-Known Member

you know one thing that makes me nervous about this site, is when i first signed up, they didn't have those buttons on top "buy seeds" "buy vaporizors"

i think it was Overgrows selling seeds that got them pinched.

i do love this site dont get me wrong though, i've seen the others out there right now. and holy shit some of those people are fuckin dumb! i know i've seen some dumb shit on cannabis.com and yahooka forums. some really bad advice.

but im just sayin, lookin a lil to familiar round here.


Well-Known Member

you know one thing that makes me nervous about this site, is when i first signed up, they didn't have those buttons on top "buy seeds" "buy vaporizors"

i think it was Overgrows selling seeds that got them pinched.

i do love this site dont get me wrong though, i've seen the others out there right now. and holy shit some of those people are fuckin dumb! i know i've seen some dumb shit on cannabis.com and yahooka forums. some really bad advice.

but im just sayin, lookin a lil to familiar round here.
All that is is advertising my friend. OG got knocked for selling seeds directly. I loved those BOG strains though.


Well-Known Member
by the way did anyone ever get the pleasure to get advice, and chat with BOG? he was a real fountain of knowledge. he was like the growmaster. like Yoda of growin ganj, specially indoors.

btw. i have a suspicion he's actually someone on this forum, but doesnt go by the same name. i wont call him out, cause he obvously dont wanna be known for a reason, but im pretty positive its him.


Well-Known Member
All that is is advertising my friend. OG got knocked for selling seeds directly. I loved those BOG strains though.
true true. funny u just wrote bout bog. i just mentioned him. yeah i seen his seeds on another site before, like a month ago, dunno if it was bogus or what not, but they said it was the last of there supply of bog seeds...and then i read on another site that he was done and getting rid of the last of his shit.

dunno if thats fact or not but i remember reading it a month ago.


always wanted to try that shit. fuck.