I wouldnt sell a 12 year old liquor!!


Well-Known Member
Ive been seeing alot of kids on here man....Dont mean to act like a NARC or nothing but honestly children smoking pot doesnt help ower cause. Even if we did it when we where younger growing weed in mamas house aint cool she could loose her home and everything in it. So children think of your parents and wait.

We as adults should stand up for the fellow adults child we are teaching to grow in their home. Weather they agree or not respect the fact they are parents and me being a parent wouldnt fly for crack addicts teaching my kid to cook rock. I dont compare weed to crack but some people do and its unwanted attention to the site. Stay safe and be human.


Well-Known Member
well if u see someone admitting there under 18 tell a mod and there gone........... i'm waitin for the day i get to catch one............



Well-Known Member
well if u see someone admitting there under 18 tell a mod and there gone........... i'm waitin for the day i get to catch one............

That avatar is tantalizing. :hump: :mrgreen:

But I agree- if a kid is dumb enough to admit on the forums that he/she isnt 18, then they deserve to be banned. Its not that difficult to act 18 on a forum even if you arent...


Well-Known Member
Ive been seeing alot of kids on here man....Dont mean to act like a NARC or nothing but honestly children smoking pot doesnt help ower cause. Even if we did it when we where younger growing weed in mamas house aint cool she could loose her home and everything in it. So children think of your parents and wait.

We as adults should stand up for the fellow adults child we are teaching to grow in their home. Weather they agree or not respect the fact they are parents and me being a parent wouldnt fly for crack addicts teaching my kid to cook rock. I dont compare weed to crack but some people do and its unwanted attention to the site. Stay safe and be human.

I seen alot of kids who are at least able to spell 'our', rather than ower.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
google-> how to cook rock: how to cook rock - Google Search

my point is one way or another, a simple google search is only a click away, the parent should be the one preventing the click and if they can't they should assume some sort of responsibility not by placing blame because as soon as they shut a site down and turn their back, their kid is gonna be looking on a crack site

lets censor the internet ftw /sarcasm


Well-Known Member
Being a responsible adult is much more than being 18 or over,its also about respecting other parents wishes & understanding when & why,and its about airing on the side of caution when dealing with other peoples kids,banning underage kids is what responsible people do.

I do not think you'll find one parent here other than a very new parent, who will argue that its ok for kids to be here because the internet is allready full of othershit.


Well-Known Member
google-> how to cook rock: how to cook rock - Google Search

my point is one way or another, a simple google search is only a click away, the parent should be the one preventing the click and if they can't they should assume some sort of responsibility not by placing blame because as soon as they shut a site down and turn their back, their kid is gonna be looking on a crack site

lets censor the internet ftw /sarcasm
erm never looked at it that way but im still no person to hand out "how to cook rock" dvds to children so why suport them being here. Me looking back I put my mom threw some shit growing weed in the house thank god nothing ever happend but you notice the stress level go up.

If these kids would stop and think maybe they wouldnt who knows but when I was a kid I didnt do much thinking and I still dont lol


Well-Known Member
I only have one suggestion for the mods. Once it is determined that a poster, specifically one that starts a thread is under the age limit for this site which I think should be 21, but thats my opinion. But my reasoning is that if weed is to ever be legalized it should be treated no different than alcohol. That said, anytime a mod determines an underage person they are banned, which does happen but I would like to see it taken one step further to possibly help our cause and show responsibility amongst ourselves. When this happens, reply to the post and give the reason(s) to that underage user as to why they are being banned. Then close the thread, I see way to often after a minor is banned that people just keep replying to it, it does not need to be discussed any further. Plus, when politicians look at this site and see the precedence that is set here for responsible use, it could help make a difference no matter how small it is. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Being a responsible adult is much more than being 18 or over,its also about respecting other parents wishes & understanding when & why,and its about airing on the side of caution when dealing with other peoples kids,banning underage kids is what responsible people do.

I do not think you'll find one parent here other than a very new parent, who will argue that its ok for kids to be here because the internet is allready full of othershit.
obviously arguing that its ok to be here because the internet is full of shit isn't my intention. its rather that once the shit is discovered, the parent takes responsibility with the situation and acts not by trying to amass a "mothers/fathers/parents/republicans/liberals against mj" thing but figure out why the kid went to the site in the first place and figure out how they can either live with the kids decision or if it isnt in their belief system what most of the site believes about mj, how they can prevent their child from doing it again. the site has features in place anyways to prevent kids from signing up and i think thats already enough responsibility taken by the site owners.


Well-Known Member
obviously arguing that its ok to be here because the internet is full of shit isn't my intention. its rather that once the shit is discovered, the parent takes responsibility with the situation and acts not by trying to amass a "mothers/fathers/parents/republicans/liberals against marijuana" thing but figure out why the kid went to the site in the first place and figure out how they can either live with the kids decision or if it isnt in their belief system what most of the site believes about marijuana, how they can prevent their child from doing it again. the site has features in place anyways to prevent kids from signing up and i think thats already enough responsibility taken by the site owners.
Nobody said its not the parents responsibility to find out why, including myself.

To even have to debate on why its bad for kids to smoke anything is beyond my comprehension,same goes for having to point out why adult sites like this should even tolerate for 1 second underage users.

Once again the arguement for the defense of kiddies being here fly's directly over my head.


Well-Known Member
Nobody said its not the parents responsibility to find out why, including myself.

To even have to debate on why its bad for kids to smoke anything is beyond my comprehension,same goes for having to point out why adult sites like this should even tolerate for 1 second underage users.

Once again the arguement for the defense of kiddies being here fly's directly over my head.
100% Agreed

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Saying that shit is everywhere else on the internet and so it's not a big deal if kids are here is stupid. That's like hm.. moving into the ghetto with your kid and then telling people it's okay that he/she's around hard drugs because he could've found them in the suburbs too. Or something like that haha. My point is.. by not doing anything to protect them since "they could find it somewhere else," you're just adding to the problem


Well-Known Member
I dont think being a certain age is really going to effect anything
You have to be 21+ to drink
But how many of you got drunk before you was 21?
Just about everyone that hasn't lived under a rock there whole life..

Also if weed was to ever be illegal it would most likely be for anyone over 21+
[like that one state cant remember the name ._.]

So shouldn't you say anyone under 21 should be banned x.x

Don't that that seriously though im only 18 :(


Well-Known Member
I dont think being a certain age is really going to effect anything
You have to be 21+ to drink
But how many of you got drunk before you was 21?
Just about everyone that hasn't lived under a rock there whole life..

Also if weed was to ever be illegal it would most likely be for anyone over 21+
[like that one state cant remember the name ._.]

So shouldn't you say anyone under 21 should be banned x.x

Don't that that seriously though im only 18 :(
I never drank until I joined the military at 20, I only smoked. I quit smoking because I had too, but then I picked up drinking.


Well-Known Member
I dont think being a certain age is really going to effect anything
You have to be 21+ to drink
But how many of you got drunk before you was 21?
Just about everyone that hasn't lived under a rock there whole life..

Also if weed was to ever be illegal it would most likely be for anyone over 21+
[like that one state cant remember the name ._.]

So shouldn't you say anyone under 21 should be banned x.x

Don't that that seriously though im only 18 :(
Rights come with age along comes responsability with age. Im sorry but I still lack being responsable I wont say im perfect but I will say when my son grows up and hes smoking weed and drinking pissing everybody off hes about to get his shit set straight. There are more prioritys in life then getting high and kids lack that. They dont wake up worry about weather they can feed their child or pay bills they wake up eat what is there and sleep and go to school.

Some kids are major acceptions and ive seen them on here but they also dont come here asking how to hide this and that from mommy. 9/10 they are little punk kids and none of us would even look at them if they asked us a question like that in person so we as adults shouldnt answer or help their moms house get raided.

If mommy doesnt want you to grow then you shouldnt grow its her house right? So that makes the kid think for himself and hide it and tell all his buddys at school it gets arround next thing you know DEA is kicking in your moms door and taking all her shit and yours all you got is the clouthes on your back and so does the rest of your family because your a little dick.