Ice and Hash Plant...2 great smokes


Ice: 50/50 Hybrid
Hash Plant: Indica




Mixture of peat moss, perlite, and dolemite lime(for CalMag and pH balance)


Miracle Grow Organic Blood and Bone Meal
AN Grow and Bloom

A Little Background: I have Ice, Hash Plant, and a couple bagseeds from some decent smoke under light. I have a box fan and a fan hooked up to a home made carbon filter being used to exhaust. I have a home made co2 system consisting of the sugar-yeast mixture in a 5 gallon bucket connected to hoses running along the edges of the pots. The water that is given to the plants is being aerated with a pump and has superthrive added to it. My temps are around 79-86 F and 30-50% RH.

Here are pictures of one of my Hash Plants(currently 22 days old):


I will upload some pics of the others and of my set-up soon.

El Cultivador​
This is the whole crew. The four on the left are Ice and the four on the right are Hash Plant.
This single plant is the product of a mix up and I'm not sure if it is Ice or Hash Plant. Anyone think they can tell by the leaves? I have my suspicions lol. The last is just a picture of the plants with some bagseeds, however, the picture is for you guys to see my co2 set-up. It is basically a 5 gallon bucket with a hose connected to the top that branches off in 2 sides. They are connected to the sides of the pots and have holes poked where the pots are. Really simple, but it works!2013-01-12_14.01.59.jpg


I transfered one of the Hash Plant today. It was becoming a little root bound in the 2 gallon container I had it in. It measures about 13 in. tall now and I've taken a few cuttings and put them in a 7 inch baking pan with a top to keep the humidity high. In about a week I should be able to take cuttings from the rest of the plants. I'm going to veg them for about a week after they have roots and then flower them all so I can see what I'm working with here.2013-01-14_16-02-48_496.jpg2013-01-13_19-51-26_471.jpg