Ice and Purp Kush 3 weeks into flower w/ pics


Well-Known Member
buds look nice man..u have u started flushing yet?
no i haven't i thought you weren't supposed to for hydro, but maybe i am mistaken.. i haven't ever before full strength all the way through. you think i should won't they get nute def. with straight water?..


Well-Known Member
yeh i didnt look properly, how long has it been now since theyve been assuming waaay to eary to worry about bad...was high as shit :)


Well-Known Member
that might just be the buds sucking everything they need from the leaves...this is normal in budding...if thats the problem...doesn't look to serious


subscribed i got ice myself out doors though, hopefully ill be able to do an ice clone under my 400hps soon, it wont clone good for me though. i suck at cloning success rate very low


Well-Known Member
cloning is simple, how are you trying? i use rockwool cubes, cloning solution, a 1' plant florescent tube, a clear plastic box and a spray bottle.. take a cutting place in solution for about ten seconds, put in a soaked cube on the lid of the box, i keep the box over the lid for three days, spraying the box, the plants and the cubes every day.. keep the lights on top of the box until you remove the box then keep really close to plants, just keep spraying the plants and cubes ONCE a day till you see the roots then its time to transplant.. one big problem i had first was over watering my clones.. thats why once a day should do.. 1.5" cubes are the ones i use for cloning, smaller ones require watering more often..


Well-Known Member
yeh u should flush this last week...jsut give plain water for last week...will make ur buds taste better
i think im going to buy a gallon of distilled water to flush with for this last week.. i should be moving to my new house this next week end so it will work out perfect


Well-Known Member
Its now the last week for these plants.. i will be flushing for the last i have straight water from the same machine i get my drinking water.. the reading for it is 32 pmm @ 70.3 deg F

here's to the last week everyone:weed:!



cloning issues....well i was cutting them then recutting under water then dipping them in my rooting gel(called roots) then i put them in starter soil which was pre moistened and put a pop bottle over it and put it under a cfl and none has ever rooted, i have grown clones that other people gave me and had no issues

I GOT SOME ice growing now to but my buds look like a snow storm just hit them, they are out doors and have been since first of july


Well-Known Member
you should make a journal.. i'd like to compare are mine snowy like yours at all? how long do you wait my clone take a long time to show roots.. like 2 weeks.. as long as the clone doesn't shrivel and die it is still trying to root.. i never heard anything about cutting under the water, i might try that once.. try mixing up what you do to see if it helps at all.. can you get rockwool? or maybe you could go a different route and make a bubble cloner.. lol


Well-Known Member
cloning issues....well i was cutting them then recutting under water then dipping them in my rooting gel(called roots) then i put them in starter soil which was pre moistened and put a pop bottle over it and put it under a cfl and none has ever rooted, i have grown clones that other people gave me and had no issues

I GOT SOME ice growing now to but my buds look like a snow storm just hit them, they are out doors and have been since first of july

Yeh auto-flowering strains cant usually be cloned.


yeah definatly not auto flower, or it would be done by now, and its not that hard to clone cause my buddies did it for me and when i got them they were healthy but i guess its just going to be trial and error until i get a better method of cloning, getting worried tho out of the twenty some clones i planned on having only one rooted