Ice Bomb Scrog


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to be as patient as I can and I can tell that it's paying off. I'm really liking the flood and drain so far, just gotta keep at it and try to perfect it. I'd like to eventually have a perpetual grow going but one step at a time. What was the hardest part when you first started out? Damn!! That's so much, one day lol. Btw are you around California?
Man everything was I had inadequate equipment for what I was trying to do so nothing went right. I didn't have enough light wattage, proper size rez or meters. I probably could have done better if I would have had meters to know what my water was like. It was hell in those days. I'm in the midwest.


Active Member
That's kinda how my first indoor went, I think mine got nute lock out and I didn't know what I was doing. I never had a meter for my first grow either and I paid for it in the end. I hope things go way better this grow. Oh nice


Well-Known Member
That's kinda how my first indoor went, I think mine got nute lock out and I didn't know what I was doing. I never had a meter for my first grow either and I paid for it in the end. I hope things go way better this grow. Oh nice
One thing I figured out is when you're beginning is to find a successful grower with your type of grow and mirror it. That'll help a lot.

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Active Member
I wish I had someone's to look at when I first started. I'm so glad I joined this site before I started the grow I'm on now. It seems like everything is coming together now, just gotta stay on top of my temps and ppm and ph. What do you think of general hydro nutes?


Well-Known Member
I wish I had someone's to look at when I first started. I'm so glad I joined this site before I started the grow I'm on now. It seems like everything is coming together now, just gotta stay on top of my temps and ppm and ph. What do you think of general hydro nutes?
I have GH Flora Micro, Flora Bloom, Maxi Gro and Bloom and Flora Nova Bloom. They all work great for me. Botanicare supplements are the only supplements I'll use.

This is what I'm running.

View attachment 2922746


Active Member
How do you like those? I'm running the floranova grow and bloom than koolbloom and subculture-m for the roots. I'm thinking about switching to the maxi series after I finish this line.


Well-Known Member
They're working out alright. The one thing is you have to dissolve them in hot water then mix em in. If you try it with room temp water it just won't work for ya.


Active Member
That sounds like a lot of work lol. I think I'm gonna step it up for my next grow and put 16 plants in and do like a 2 week veg than flower


Well-Known Member
I just don't like the idea of having to deal with so many plants. And when it's time to hang em up to dry... Oh boy it's a bitch to trim em up.


Active Member
Ah that's true, I always forget about the trimming part lol. My outdoor GSC plant put off 1lb and that wasn't too big, I had to pull it early due to family issues where I had it. I really hope I can pull a pound from the 7 I have. I think you'll be able to clear atleast 10 ounces, I can't wait to see how yours turns out


Well-Known Member
A little over 2 ounces per plant is easily doable, don't see why you wouldn't as long as you don't run into any problems. Outdoors, there's a concept that's foreign to me. I don't know what I'd do in dirt, I'm so use to hydro. I feel that I'll pull 10 easy on this grow. I keep getting better with each run. My goal is to pull a pound inside with as few plants as possible.


Active Member
That's what I'm really hoping for. There's one purple urkle I'm having a little trouble with, leaves are curling a little but I got the subculture-m to see if that'll help it out. I like growing outdoor a lot, so simple and easy. I barely used any nutes and watered every couple days and still pulled a pound lol. I like how simple hydro is tho. That plant looks very healthy and is filling that screen up quite nicely. Is that the only plant you have going?


Well-Known Member
That's the only one. I start from seed every grow I do. And I'm now at the point where I hardly ever have even the slightest problems with my grows. I've come a long way. If you have at least a 600 watt light you should be good to go and rotate the plants like every other day for better even growth.


Well-Known Member
At first, I thought this was one plant. I was like, whoooo. lol They look great. I tried hydro but always had issues with nutrient burns. So I went to soil/coco.
It is one plant. 9 square feet.


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Live From The Garden


Active Member
What kind of lights are you actually using on this? In begginig and the first few pages you just say she'll be under 420watts min, but are they cfl's, hps? My little cab has 250w cfl that I've been supplementing w/ another 150w cfl. It's just 18"x24" so its a lot smaller than 3x3. Anyways just wondering..


Well-Known Member
What kind of lights are you actually using on this? In begginig and the first few pages you just say she'll be under 420watts min, but are they cfl's, hps? My little cab has 250w cfl that I've been supplementing w/ another 150w cfl. It's just 18"x24" so its a lot smaller than 3x3. Anyways just wondering..
I veg under T5s and flower under HIDs.


Active Member
Ya in running one 600 watt light with an air cooled hood. What do you mean to rotate the plants? Like in the tray rotate them?


Well-Known Member
Ya in running one 600 watt light with an air cooled hood. What do you mean to rotate the plants? Like in the tray rotate them?
Yup, if the root allow it rotate em. Help smaller plants get the light they need and it keeps the taller ones in check.

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Active Member
I've been keeping an eye on the roots and they've come out of the pots but not far enough yet to worry. My light disperses pretty evenly since it's only about a 3x3 space with my 600 watter. I raised the light a little to get em to stretch a tad more too.