ice box heat exchanger help

Im lookin into getting at least 3 of these for 2 600watt lights and was wondering if anyone knew what kind of water can be used with them and what size chiller would work


Well-Known Member
I ran an half horse chiller on a 1kw light, by the time it was lights out(12 hours) my water had gone from 39 degrees to 70 degrees. This season I'm gonna try just air cooling the lamp as normal and run the ice box/chiller as a spot cooler and maybe co2 gen cooling.


Well-Known Member
there are a lot of variables that have to be taken into consideration. I wasn't willing to do that so basically my ice box has collected dust not even being used.


Well-Known Member
we need
temp of air going in
temp of air comming out
size of the ice box system
what it is made from
600watt what temp does it put out the maxium temp
what temp u are shooting for .......or is this just cooling


Well-Known Member
I use a 1hp chiller, 2 6" ice boxes, 2 res coils, and water cool my co2 gen. The 1hp is minimum to run a normal 1200w room. Mine works hard. The most important thing is to keep the room with the chiller in it at a reasonable temp. All the heat from your room and the added heat from the chiller itself will be dumped into that room. This is overlooked usually by most first time water cooler guys and it is the most important aspect.