ice / crystal grow update


2-4 day's and she been ready.Some of newbies already cut sugestion are 1-2 day's before harvest go to shower with this plant, get water 20-23 C and wash roots 20-30 minutes (2-3liters/minute),because it's take out all chemically and nutrients and then put in 24h night, then just harvest,and believe the taste been delicious


Well-Known Member
Day 87 grow
Day 68 flower ( 9 weeks and 5 days )
Crystal has been harvested
Ice is going to sleep for 24 hrs from 2nite
She has been flushed , ready 2 go
grow 832.jpggrow 834.jpggrow 831.jpggrow 830.jpggrow 827.jpggrow 821.jpggrow 822.jpggrow 823.jpggrow 824.jpggrow 825.jpggrow 818.jpggrow 803.jpggrow 801.jpg


Well-Known Member
As a plant finishes its life cycle it takes nutrients from the fan leaves,
starting moreso lower down. It is another heuristic signal that you are
ready to harvest. (like 50% pistil turn, vert growth stop, etc)

The % of cloudy trichs is the best indicator to use.

Good luck,
