Ice, Full moon, Blue mystic (nirvana shop)

Gonna be making my first order real soon for my first grow. i would like all available information anyone can give on these strains.

Is it beginner friendly?
how potent is it?

If you know specifics from your grow on nutes that will be extremely helpful. mainly if it loves the Nitrogen or potassium - etc.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
blue mystic doesn't like being rootbound, overall its pretty stable, some plants have a bit more stretch than others. smells a bit berry-like. does well with fim/topping and supercropping. i put mine through alot of stress and not a single seed or herm in the bunch, not saying you won't get any just none in my experience. medium yield, inexpensive too, i grew regular seeds about 2 years ago. ice is more potent, slightly better yielding and has a fruity/fuel like smell. it has more vigor in veg and has about 2x stretch in flower. Ice, like the blue mystic does well with training, making it a big bush will ensure better yield, it does well as a single cola too but if you bush it out there isn't much popcorn.


Active Member
Honestly I would steer clear of the Blue Mystic if you're a beginner. I have ran it 4 times because I liked the flavor but it had a lot of mutations and was pretty finicky compared to Northern Lights and Super Skunk from Nirvana. If you want potent smoke easy growth and huge yield try the Super Skunk. I vegged my last one 45 days and it was a clone and got 5.75 oz off it. There are two phenos I got one is hella skunky the other smells like pineapple and ripe fruit my big bitch is the fruity pheno. I saw so many negative reviews of it on nirvana site but damn they were wrong. I also really love the NL I got 4 different phenols with that though. Don't get me wrong blue mystic is a tasty frosty smoke I just couldn't get we to put out.


Active Member
Also it is a heavy nitrogen feeder even in bloom. The taste is very berryish and spicy. It is a white strain so it is covered in frost. Ill take a few pics here in a few and post to my grow journal in my signature click it,it'll give you a idea. This far I've only ran Nirvana seeds.


Active Member
I ran Blue mystic for my first grow and found it a really easy strain to go, it yields nice, has a fairly strong high but could be stronger, i have done a smoke report on it on here.
These are from my last grow of blue mystic, yield 95 grams of a 62 cm plant grown in Canna Coco.

And this is a different pheno grown in soil, it goes purple when flushed well, and with normal temps. By the way i bought regular seeds.


Well-Known Member
Nirvana AK48 is tough as shit, repsonds EXCELLENTLY to training (my current has been LST'd a single time and now (within 5 days) has ~15 growth sites at canopy height) and the smoke is nice too. I would highly reccomend it.

I also did it for my first grow, where I over and underfed, overwatered, and burnt her both with nutrients and lights :dunce: she was totally fine and grew vigorously throughout.

I cannot reccommend AK48 enough personally.

Tea H. Sea

Active Member
I'm going to copy-paste my last post about Full Moon:

"As commonly stated, Full Moon is a bitch to grow indoors; but your reward is well worth it. And when I say it's well worth it, I mean F%$^@#*&S(@!!! I'm the epitome of stoned. And my mouth tastes nice, real nice.

I wouldn't recommend it for a first time grower. I ignored advice not to grow this as a first timer and it took 3 attempts to get it to flower completely."