Ice OG Kush Grow from Clone -Any Advice or Comments Would be Greatly Appreciated!


This is my first attempt at growing indoors.
I got a Ice OG Kush clone and i planted it in fox farms soil. Im growing it in my closet. I have t5 fluorescents that are about 2 feet longs, i have a 150 watt hps on it, and i have a cfl right over the top of it. im also using cutting edge solutions nutes.
i figured i might as well put all my lights on it and give it full spectrum. right now i have it on 18/6.
Im wondering if anybody has any helpful advice or comments. im particularly wondering about the particulars of ice og kush, like such as how big does it get, its special growing needs, anything i could do to improve its quality, etc etc. im also wondering about cutting edge solutions nutes.
any advice anybody has would be greatly greatly appreciated as i am very new to growing in general. im looking to take in whatever anybody has to offer.
im also hoping to get some various types of purple clones this week.
thanks again, and happy smoking

These pictures were taken 3 days after planting in soil. its really seeming to take off now.



Well-Known Member
*THIS IS URE CAPTAIN SPEAKING* the lightS U HAVE ARE EF FECTIVE.,.,but the set up isnt effective .,.but ure gonna get it.,.,put the t-5 over it until ure ready to flower.,.,then stick the hps over it.,., .,.,., ".,if ya ride like lightnin youll crash like thunder.,.,.,".,.,read up on indo0r growing and take the small direction i and others on the site give ya and ure ready 4 blast off


*THIS IS URE CAPTAIN SPEAKING* the lightS U HAVE ARE EF FECTIVE.,.,but the set up isnt effective .,.but ure gonna get it.,.,put the t-5 over it until ure ready to flower.,.,then stick the hps over it.,., .,.,., ".,if ya ride like lightnin youll crash like thunder.,.,.,".,.,read up on indo0r growing and take the small direction i and others on the site give ya and ure ready 4 blast off
thanks, i definitely will do.


Well-Known Member
Your catain has spoken... Hees right take your time . Thats a good start, also invest in some type of ph testing kit or digital stick. If your gonna do it use the best. Good luck!!!


Active Member
Still is right your kind of shooting in the dark if you don't have a ph test kit or meter along with your digi stick, which is a meter that measures the ppm(parts per million) of dissolved solid (your nutrients) with your water. Keep your ph around 6.0-6.5 so you plant can take in all the nutrients micro and macro. start ppm around 300 and increase every couple of weeks up 1600ppm. Also with the lights you have already you can have a mother/clone room under the t-5 and a flowering room with the hps, so you can keep cranking out that kush. Looks good bro!


Still is right your kind of shooting in the dark if you don't have a ph test kit or meter along with your digi stick, which is a meter that measures the ppm(parts per million) of dissolved solid (your nutrients) with your water. Keep your ph around 6.0-6.5 so you plant can take in all the nutrients micro and macro. start ppm around 300 and increase every couple of weeks up 1600ppm. Also with the lights you have already you can have a mother/clone room under the t-5 and a flowering room with the hps, so you can keep cranking out that kush. Looks good bro!
good to know, thanks