ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize


Thank you for all the work you have done! I recently finished this thread and am incredibly grateful for all the incredible information contained herein.

Much love, much respect,
Dubz Love
Would you rather have patients only be prescribed one version of medicine which you value as alleged superior? And what is the percentage of BHO product in comparison to the world market for hashish production? There must be some logical reason why shatter isn't being produced by the hundreds of kilogram and trafficked worldwide. Butane extraction is an occidental phenomenon tethered to social status in western cannabis culture. The tobacco industry has been aware of hexane's inadequacy since mid-century, potheads are late to the non-polar solvent party by fifty years. Regardless, I am delighted everyone is more aware of silicone and titanium because science is rad.
Would you rather have patients only be prescribed one version of medicine which you value as alleged superior? And what is the percentage of BHO product in comparison to the world market for hashish production? There must be some logical reason why shatter isn't being produced by the hundreds of kilogram and trafficked worldwide. Butane extraction is an occidental phenomenon tethered to social status in western cannabis culture. The tobacco industry has been aware of hexane's inadequacy since mid-century, potheads are late to the non-polar solvent party by fifty years. Regardless, I am delighted everyone is more aware of silicone and titanium because science is rad.

All dude did was microplane full melt bubble and coined it "ice wax" to market his product...
2012 POST EDIT: I started this thread a long time ago, before there was a hash sub-forum, and before anyone knew who I was. Most of the basic information is near the beginning, the video and a guide on how to break-up and dry ice water extract (bubble hash). The finer details on making ice-water extracted wax (ice wax) come out later as we water-hashmakers start to become water-hashmasters. We will not be answering repeat questions so please take the time to read and learn from our collective experiences. Thank you. Matt Rize

To begin, I love concentrates, especially the highest quality bubble hashes. I also spend a large part of my time making bubble, and have tested many techniques and strains over the years.

I don't know where I am supposed to post this thread, but as a life long member of the organic community, I feel at home here.

There are some tips that I have come up with or learned about along the way, and some good times that I want to share. I'll start with the fun part.


Have you ever played hash hockey?

It is so much fun, especially when turned into a form of gambling. The idea is simple really. Get yourself one of those old school electric hockey games. You know what I am talking about...the little guys that spin and move back/forth on the field. Old School baby. Then make a puck out of some hash, consistency is CRUCIAL and you will learn what kinds of hash make a perfect puck. The winner takes the puck in a game to 11 or whatever. Enjoy! And watch out, that puck will FLY!
Dosnt this hash puck get dirty scraping the table and flying all over the floor?
No really, that's all he did and coined it ice wax to market to Dispensarys.

If you use bomb material you will always get full melt. Microplane that and you get "ice wax" for 90 a gram at the dispensary.

no not true at all. melting depends on genetics. the amount of soluble oil terpenes present. Theres cleaning the trichomes, how long you wash it. The number of washes, freezing it, microplaning it. proper drying it at low temps. its a 5 day process. Its still better than any bho.

why would anyone want to inhale all the chemicals in bho, benzene, propane propellants, hydrocarbon propellants, propane, cyclopropane, dimethylmethane, freon, propylhydride, trimethylene, methylpropane, and petroleum. There no such thing as clean bho.

its the dispensaries that set the price not Matt Rize. Pressed hash is the best there is. It goes for $30 a gram at the dispensaries. Most dispensary owners are about money and don't have the slightest idea about quality and terpenes.
The thing is.... people are willing to pay a premium for a brand name. So what? Maybe they are particularly fond of the craftsmanship or strains being offered by said brand. You going to hate the brand for that? I don't understand the logic.

The name bubble hash just has a bad rap. It can range from kiefy doo doo to full melt to fucking green stuff depending on who made it, how it's made and what it's made from.

Present the same product of a higher quality and craftsmanship with a new term that has no previous negative connotation. FUCKING GENIUS if you ask me.

I've never tried Matt's Ice Wax but this is just common sense and logic.
So why is matt rize charging 60 a half gram for micro planned full melt?

All you did was microplane bubble hash bro and made some catchy lingo (ice wax ) to sell and market bubble hash cause you got to spooked to continue to run bho, hence your ice wax war... Lol

For the paitients...rise up lol
No really, that's all he did and coined it ice wax to market to Dispensarys.

If you use bomb material you will always get full melt. Microplane that and you get "ice wax" for 90 a gram at the dispensary.

Is it 60 or 90? If you don't like the prices of the dispensary don't go there. Why come here and talk shit? If you want to go smoke butane that is on you.


The name bubble hash just has a bad rap. It can range from kiefy doo doo to full melt to fucking green stuff depending on who made it, how it's made and what it's made from.

This is the same reason my Doctor calls it medical Cannabis not marijuana. Marijuana has a bad rap but Cannabis has healing powers. It's just training the public to make new connections
Is it 60 or 90? If you don't like the prices of the dispensary don't go there. Why come here and talk shit? If you want to go smoke butane that is on you.

This is the same reason my Doctor calls it medical Cannabis not marijuana. Marijuana has a bad rap but Cannabis has healing powers. It's just training the public to make new connections

Somewhat true to a point, but does your doctor go on a warpath criticizing everyone and their brother who still calls it marijuana?

People need to know this is just bubble hash and not get tricked into thinking it's something it's not. "Ice wax" was coined to sell a product in a flooded market of uneducated concentrate users.
really dads against dabs..... if this is true Rise your out to protect your own niche, thank god people are not as ignorant in CO as they are in cali. BHO is not illegal here and they are not taking measures to make it that way.. just taking measures to make sure people are not blowing them selves up....

but dads against dabs.....