ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

Lab Analysis by Steep Hill Labs.

blackberry kush flower %15.44 THC %0.23CBD %0.05CBN
blackberry kush full melt%52.64THC %01.27CBD %0.33CBN

"Your results say alot. Bbkush does not ever test over 16 far as i know. So ur at the top of the pile as far samples we have seen. And ur melt tested super high too. 52 is f'ing strong hash. Thats stronger than some oil." from the lab

This batch was 45 to 160 microns for those interested.


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:blsmoke:I had to leave out part one, where I introduce myself and the tools, but you can figure it out.


Let me know if you have any questions. The second video: "Drying and Curing" is being made this week.
Hey mat, have you ever tried making tincture with your Bhash? just wondering cuz i put 2 grams of bhash in some everclear yesterday and am wondering how long it will take for the actual trich heads to dissolve. They have all separated from the main hash ball and are just free floating.
Great video matt. do you wash the trim again or is it a single wash?

I washed for 30 minutes on soft, and did not do a second wash. If it was some killer indoor I may have, but I opened the bag after the first wash and inspected the trim to see if it was worth a second run. It wasn't.
Hey mat, have you ever tried making tincture with your Bhash? just wondering cuz i put 2 grams of bhash in some everclear yesterday and am wondering how long it will take for the actual trich heads to dissolve. They have all separated from the main hash ball and are just free floating.

The best tinctures are made from hash, not flowers. This is from my cooking class:
"Freezer Method:
Put Cannabis & alcohol in a glass jar.
2 oz. shake & 1 pint alcohol
Put the glass jar in a brown paper bag, then into the freezer. Shake it!
Three to Four Days
Strain with Cheesecloth
Into Glass Jars and the Dark
5-15 Drops per Dose"

"Dark Method:
Same proportions as freezer method
Fill jar with Cannabis and alcohol.
Shake & store in the dark up to 6 months.
Strain & Bottle"
Glycerin is the other tincture option, for the recovering alcoholics and others who choose to not consume alcohol.
Glycerin is a neutral, sweet-tasting, colorless, thick liquid which freezes to a gummy paste and which has a high boiling point. Glycerin can be dissolved into water or alcohol, but not oils.
Glycerin is also highly "hygroscopic" which means that it absorbs water from the air.
Glycerin must be diluted with water or it may cause blistering.
Steep for 60 Days, French Press to Strain
Heat to 212 for 5 Minutes to Decarboxylate"
Aww, so I'm looking at a few months at least ?

The first method only take 3 to 4 days. I'd try that. The more frequent you shake the jar the faster your tincture will be ready. But, it needs to stay cold or it will happen too fast. I would use cold alcohol and cold trim to make sure it starts off cold. This will give you better flavor tincture. And with tinctures you HAVE to let it pass through your sublingual skin, under the tongue, or it won't work as well.
Thanks for following along. This part is going to be pictures instead of video.

To allow my wet hash to dry:
1) I lay it out as-is overnight, sometimes 24 hours if it is cold out.
2) I grate it to a sand texture with my micro-plane, used ONLY for this purpose. Consider this a disposable tool that needs to be replaced if you are a big hash maker. They can't be sharpened like knives/scissors.
3) I lay this wet sandy bubble hash out on a baking sheet used ONLY for this purpose. I use a non-stick, so no metal for the next step.
4) I let it slowly dry, covered with a silk screen, and occasionally 'cut' it up with a card to let it dry from all sides.
5) As soon as it is dry it goes into my hash curing jar.








So the report is:
31.0 g of 45-120 for smoking.
3.5 g of 120-190 for infusion and then capsules.
This batch was from some outdoor so there were lots of little flowers. I forgot to weigh the start material but it was around a pound, maybe a little less. Two strains, Purple Kush and a local cross that I was testing. The cross is (Sour Diesel x Lavender) x local Kush. Smoke report pending :weed:
Awh dude! I love this, your video was so helpful, that bubblenow XL is great.

Thanks again for the sweet info

Thank you for all your help along the way. What did I leave out? Uh... the color of all hash is pretty blonde when it is wet. You can see that in the grating stage. This beautiful brown color develops as the bubble dries, and each strains has it's own color. Some are more red, some are more purple, some are more blonde. I've found that no strain makes bubble hash that is naturally black, and the darkest natural bubble I've ever seen was the Blackberry Kush. I NEED A MICROSCOPE/CAMERA!!!

I just wanted to show that making bubble is easy with the tools. There are no major tricks that I use, just common sense. I'll do a hash making without the machine video next. Plus rep for everyone! Thanks for watching, I hope I didn't make an ass of myself on camera... ;)
Very nice tutorial bro. I got about a lb of sugar leaf and little popcorn buds all mixed together and I'm about to try to make some very soon.
