ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

the size of it, quality of materials used to make it, and the quality of craftsmanship put into...... Just like matt's ice wax!!!!!!!!!!
uh... I have the feeling I missed some questions along the way. I remember a long PM but I think I erased it to clear my inbox... if I ignored it was probably because I was going to call you, but then I got high.

can we get a pic of that tube? looks bad ass. does the dish have a fitting on the bottom so it comes off? i was wanting to do that. the dome and dabber holder is sick! take a pic with that bad ass camera you got..
I visited Revere Glass School in Berkeley today, Dustin Revere showed me around, dabbed out with me, and I scored a heady hash rig. Its a smaller piece with a shower head percolator.

It has a built in dish, dabber holder, and dome holder.

Here is a closer picture, with the dome on the dome holder.

And it fits perfectly in my ride

Here is the "shower head" percolator

reposted for dankshizzle. cellphone pics. ill take some higher def pic today.
Hey Matt, the youtube video ends, after you scoop the bags out onto the screen with a spoon.......... I read the whole thread (really! :)) and just have some clarification on the drying........... I want to make the final product look like:




So after I spoon it out of the "money bag", how do you dry it to look like above?

I've watched your youtube video a dozen times at least now (might even give it 2 or 3 stars, if I get around to it <G>) and have everythiing ready going to agitate and separate it in just a few....... Thanks, too by the way, best howto on bags I've seen..... I've had this machine a year and dread even looking at it because the final product always sucks, hopefully not now that I'm doing it your way ;)
it will be like mush in your spoon you just lay it out fairly thin and as it dries just move it around and break it up so it dries as evenly as posible 24 hrs is usualy good but i like to dry for 48 hrs.
Im pretty sure he uses a micro planer
As far as I know kitty,he dries it til its like putty...
Then uses a micro planer and grinds it all up to cure
i just watched weeds and nancy was making hash with trim in a washing machine it looked fake or realy bad but i still laughed and thought of this thread!
I believe Matt freezes his hash for just a bit before using the micro plane... at least i remember reading that he used to anyway. this gives it that wet sticky consistency that makes it a dab and not a chunk!
Thanks everyone......... Still use the microplaner for the consistency in the pictures with the question in them?

yep!! with practice it will turn out just like that!!
I got my first nail kit today!!!!! I just had to join the dab club!!!! hahahahaha

Yall got it, looks like im no longer needed here lol J/K!

Melt and dab consistency are strain and grow dependent, my techniques simply allow the extract to express its natural properties.
Yall got it, looks like im no longer needed here lol J/K!

Melt and dab consistency are strain and grow dependent, my techniques simply allow the extract to express its natural properties.

are you kidding me.... I just finely got started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have so much more learning to do!!!