ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

last months skunk had an article on solvent free oil. have you considered taking your final product and placing it on a magnetic stirrer?
last months skunk had an article on solvent free oil. have you considered taking your final product and placing it on a magnetic stirrer?
I can see no reason to do that. I've thought about it.

Candy Kush Ice Wax.
Oh... I thought this was gunna show more purple hues cause I am sure you had purple water in your other post. But looks fire bro...
Nice Job.
Oh... I thought this was gunna show more purple hues cause I am sure you had purple water in your other post. But looks fire bro...
Nice Job.
The water was straight purple. The extract straight blonde. Gotta love pure extractions.
Hey Matt, thanks for continually kickin ass, and puttin out the dankist shit. Top quality for meds not just personal, seems to be a big step in the extractions world Anyways, we got our hash man spinning out some super dank shit too, just wanted to throw it out there, and thanks again for the continued support.Afgoo FM2.jpgAfgoo FM3.jpg
I won the raffle at Kush Organics Vapor Lounge yesterday... about 20 grams of hash oil!! Also a sick little dabber and dish.

Thanks for following along. This part is going to be pictures instead of video.

To allow my wet hash to dry:
1) I lay it out as-is overnight, sometimes 24 hours if it is cold out.
2) I grate it to a sand texture with my micro-plane, used ONLY for this purpose. Consider this a disposable tool that needs to be replaced if you are a big hash maker. They can't be sharpened like knives/scissors.
3) I lay this wet sandy bubble hash out on a baking sheet used ONLY for this purpose. I use a non-stick, so no metal for the next step.
4) I let it slowly dry, covered with a silk screen, and occasionally 'cut' it up with a card to let it dry from all sides.
5) As soon as it is dry it goes into my hash curing jar.








So the report is:
31.0 g of 45-120 for smoking.
3.5 g of 120-190 for infusion and then capsules.
This batch was from some outdoor so there were lots of little flowers. I forgot to weigh the start material but it was around a pound, maybe a little less. Two strains, Purple Kush and a local cross that I was testing. The cross is (Sour Diesel x Lavender) x local Kush. Smoke report pending :weed:

Thanks for the tutorial, def going to try this method on my next ice adventure.

3 questions though.

1. After scooping your hash out of your bag and putting it on your screen do you not press any of the water out at all? Just leave it for 12-24 hours?
2. What's the point of the silk screen over the top of the drying pan, just to keep unwanted things like dust and hair out?
3. When you say at last it goes into your curing jar does that mean you cure it similar to herb? IE fill your jar up 7/8's full and burp 1-2 times a day as needed? Or just putting it in a container waiting for it's time to be smoked?

Thanks again.
Wow... I would like to win a little stash like that... Luck was on your side that day...

Could be luck... Could be that those who show generosity are generally shown generosity in return.

IE. My iphone smashed into pieces i couple weeks ago. Couple days later i got offered a free one. Life is to legit!
Thanks for the tutorial, def going to try this method on my next ice adventure.

3 questions though.

1. After scooping your hash out of your bag and putting it on your screen do you not press any of the water out at all? Just leave it for 12-24 hours?
2. What's the point of the silk screen over the top of the drying pan, just to keep unwanted things like dust and hair out?
3. When you say at last it goes into your curing jar does that mean you cure it similar to herb? IE fill your jar up 7/8's full and burp 1-2 times a day as needed? Or just putting it in a container waiting for it's time to be smoked?
CORRECT, But I don't burp. I fill the jars all the way full and leave them closed.

Thanks again.
replies in bold and underlined.
Hey Matt... u still smoke bho and other extrcts than IceWax....?
Yeah for sure. I love me some full melt dry screen extract, its as good as ice wax when made properly.

I do smoke BHO, but only if its made using a professional closed system, and purged extremely well. I don't support open blasting of tane, that shit blows up every week.

You can find this quote on the Weed Nerd thread:
Chemical epiglottis from under purged BHO...
JessiJames wrote:

"Thanks for the shout out Subcool. Jessi here. Getting sick from a dab is a little embarrassing, but in the medical grey-area of BHO, I think it is important to get info like this out. Last week, I took a dab of some BHO that was not our own. It had a sour after-taste and was purged only by whipping to a budder without heat. This is not our method, and it seemed under-purged compared to what we usually smoke (which has never caused a problem). James didn't like the taste and thought it was harsh so he didn't smoke any after his first hit. I kept smoking it all night. My throat went from a dull ache to an unable to swallow sensation. I felt like I had something stuck in the back of my throat and when I looked in the mirror I was shocked to see what looked like a second tongue coming out from down my throat. I needed to lean forward to breathe properly and at times it felt like a flap was sealing off my airway. I went to the urgent care where they told me they were unable to handle my situation and would need to escort me to the adjacent Emergency Room for immediate treatment. I received a quick diagnosis at the Emergency Room because the doctor had seen an instance like mine a few weeks prior, although it was previously a very rare occurrence (BHO has just recently become popular in our state). I had Chemical Epiglottitis, which can be a life threatening situation. Luckily, mine was not! Chemical Epiglottitis is caused by irritants or hot vapors that pass by and damage the epiglottis (the flap the covers your wind pipes when you eat/drink). When this happens, the epiglottis swells and has the potential of closing off the wind pipe, making it impossible to breathe. I was lucky and the swelling stopped before I needed any serious medical interventions. For those less fortunate, a run in with Epiglottitis has the potential to send a patient into the ICU, emergency surgery, or a tracheotomy. Its serious stuff! It was a hard lesson for James and I and taught us to always smoke our own, or at least know what we are smoking. We are both taking some time off of BHO and are slightly disappointed that our usual health-conscious decisions were so unknowingly reckless. It sounds like a different girl also had a scary experience at the HighTimes cup. I hope she is alright as well!
James and I are dab-neutral and do not want to stir up a debate on the pros and cons of BHO, ISO, RSO or any of the other extracts. We do, however, hope that medical instances like my own serve to improve the safety of the community and do not hinder the progress of legalization.