Mr. Rize, I am getting ready to use your methods of water extraction and have all the supplies ready, fresh frozen sugar trim? check, zipcro 220 work bag? check, fine micro planner? check, wax paper and baking sheets? check, controlled room? check. RO water and ice? check, my only 2 problems that I have are my bubble magic 20 gallon machine came in today, and it looks diff than all the others that i have seen, it has a little filter bag in the left side where normally is a plastic cover? whats up with it? should I leave it on? take it off? or try to find the norm one? the other problem is my 5 gallon 9 bag payload set is on back order so hafta wait on them, or should I shell out the big bucks for other brand bags? here are some pics, any help, thoughts or comments would be great thanks. I look forward to trying my hand at your art form that you have been so gracious to share with us all, thanks and happy hashing!

