Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1


Well-Known Member
Best oil I ever made involved me blowing myself up LOL LOL LOL... The culprit was a bar-fridge at my knees, I looked down, noticed it, as I thought 'Oh fuuu' the thermostat went 'click'... Next thing I was literally floating weightless in an orange cloud. It was strangely blissful, no time at all it was like a DMT trip in the sense that a second is an EON...
Ended up having to launch a bowl of flaming oil out the door. I might need to add at this point that this happened in a guest house. There were neighbours LOL. Fortunately they were this gay couple, both paramedics, both stoners. Laughs and chillums were shared, but I lost most of my beard (it still refuses to grow back in places I can't grow any form of beard any more). Some eyebrows too.
It went crystalline instantly, though. Seriously, best oil I EVER made. Had to blow myself up for it. Been thinking of ways to replicate the 'process' but shit, I just don't have the goonies...
I lawl'd so hard.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I love reading your posts guys. Everyone of them is awesome. I love the schroom stories Myco. Strong medicine. I really appreciate all the ways you guys go about creating other ways to medicate using the flowers. I am a noob at this and I feel like I am in the best of hands. I really can't go blowing anything up though like Hamish. That is scary funny bro. I laughed but did think it was damn good you were ok. Myco...I thought I would report to you that my Female Seeds Lemon Kush gave her first trichs that were able to give off some terps. I was beyond happy with her scent. Very lemon spicy sweet. Strong. I am happy beyond words. The one White Rhino pheno I have continues to be very spicy too. Like cinnamon. I really like the Lemon Kush all the way around. I have to get you some pictures. I am lazy the past 2 days. Take care guys. I need to go clean. :eyesmoke:
That's a very cool co-incidence... My LVBK mums are also getting a tad frosty in the 'palms' of the leaves... Even the fan leaves now too. Also got the first whiff of them today, walked past the vent for the mommy tent and all I could smell was DANK. Closer inspection and the good ol' smell test up close revealed a melange of goodness... Dominant berry with a rich earthy undertone and some of that kush bite around the edges.
Oh them girls and that sweeeeet perfume :)

Thanks for the link on the Hash, Properian, I really deeply appreciate that. Going to save a ton of trim and get a few screens and go BANANAS indeed.


Well-Known Member
I picked up a small container yesterday for my concentrate. I also got myslef a new nail to come home, and find out, it doesn't fit right. The stupid bubbler I picked up a while ago takes a special sized piece that I think I can't really replace. So now today I have to go get a new friggin bubbler to use my oil. I hate to spend $ unexpectedly, and am upset they would put a rig out that you can't replace parts on, WTF. I thought I was saving a couple bucks picking that one up in the first place, but looks like I got fooled. Oh well, now I have an excuse to buy a bad @$$ rig for myself I guess. I don't know if i want to get a regular water pipe, and a globe, and nail, or maybe a curve, and swing. Or just get a dedicated oil rig bubbler, IDK yet. I know I want something with good percolation as to smooth out the hit. I just measured my Green Poison, and that girl has stretched 3-4 inches since Monday. I'm really diggin this plant, and am really liking her structure. she has a nice pattern to her, being very symmetric. One of her bottom branches is a tri-node just the one though. That I've never had happen before, I've had complete tri-node plants before, but never just the one branch on a plant, that's new to me. I'll get a pic up later to show you guys, until then i have a couple of pics of some things.

This is my new cool guy NoGoo container. I picked it up for $4.50 at a local shop, they had bigger ones, but I thought if I just start picking one of the small ones up every time I go they'll accumulate quickly enough, and I don't make huge batches of oil anyways, so these will do nicely. In the third pic you can see the threading on it, cause it not only has a lip that's air tight, it has that thread, and you can twist it shut so it won't open at all hardly. I was throwing it against the wall with some sugar in it to see if it would open, and it didn't. A product that lives up to the description, call Guiness Book we have a record folks! Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that you don't have to buy Oil Slick products for a fortune the NoGoo products are just as good, and cost a lot less. You can pick these up on e-bay pretty cheap, and get mutiples for what you get singles of with Oil Slick, and they mostly have the balls that hold concentrate, and I would think they would be rolling all over the place spilling your oil everywhere. I know they have the stackable ones now like these, but they're still over priced if you ask me.

Here's a couple pics of the Menage aTrois I've been raving about. I still can't believe how strong this girl smells, I've never had a plant gain such a strong smell after the chop, friggin incredible. I smoked another little sample this morning, and just like I thought the potency is so incredible. I don't know why this strain never took off, it has it all around, the look, smell, taste, and potency. What more are you looking for in a strain, it even yielded more than my Skunk#1 that was quite bigger. The flowers on the MaT are just rock solid with a smell to them that almost makes one drool, of berries and fruits with a sugar surprise in 2 different ways. I've grown my fair share of MJ, and this lady really is a treat, and the fact you can't get her anymore, anywhere that I know of makes her that much more special to me. The seeds came from a guy called Mist of Destruction seeds or M.O.D. When I was doing research into the strain the guy up in vanished like a fart in the wind in 2006. If you can find any info on him I would love you forever though. I think I'm correct in saying he's the one responsible for the Kali Mist as well, so Gandalf would love you too if you find any info on this dude. I should sick my wife on his butt, she can find out anything about a person on the interweb. I just hate diggin in peoples lives like that, but she finds it interesting though.

These are all random pics of my ladies in the tent. The Sour Blueberry looks so nice, and she's so frosty, and plump as well. Really happy with the way she's turning out. I was looking on-line last night, and Attitude has alot of Gage Green gear that was out of stock back in. I really wish herbies would step their game up on some of their selection. I really don't want to order from Attitude ever again. Not saying I won't, but I would love to avoid it, for their lack of caring really for the customs problems their American customers are having. Right now if you get their guarantee you'll get a Gage "Always Runnin Dank" t-shirt or mug. Have a great day everyone. Peace and love.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Myco, go have a look at the Sea Of Seeds Reputation thread in the reviews. I'm going to support them simply because they keep a direct line with their customers right in the open. Also, seems like all their parcels are delivered safely within 7 days. And they have a HUGE selection of beans.
Also, if they don't stock something from a certain breeder, they will if you ask them to... Lookin good I'm going to risk it :)

I also felt a bit wobbly about how the last two attitude packages arrived :/ No complaints about service or anything all was excellent as always, they were just really half-heartedly packed I didn't like that much. Got myself some high standards when it comes to these things, it HAS to be professional.


Well-Known Member
Here is a link for Nogoo on Amazon at $2.99 + shipping. Cost more than buying locally, but some of us are very lazy shoppers. 8-)

Box of 5 and free shipping over $25 purchase...

I want some containers for my dry-ice kief. Judging from your pic, 4-5 jars should be enough.


Well-Known Member
I want some containers for my dry-ice kief. Judging from your pic, 4-5 jars should be enough.
Since you're not working with a sticky substance Pros, I would go with a dark glass container for storage. I use Tightvac for my dry ice hash. It's not glass, but it is air tight, and really handy. They're at if you're interested. I use a couple medium size of those containers for my daily get in stash, I think a cannavault would be a better long term solution though if not a glass jar with a proper sealing lid. I know you like to vape, but here's a cool way to vape hash on the go. Essential vape, ev100. Pretty cool, and no working parts or whatever to break or wear out really.

My BHO stuff is coming today. I am so excited. How long until I can something of a product?
This all depends if you got a vac chamber or not really. If you did remember the vac like a good boy, you can just pop it in there for 6- whatever extreme you want to take it to, i would quit at about 18 though. If you have a good enough vacuum pump it will be 100% purged in 18 hours, seriously no need for longer than that I think. After that you simply, enjoy! If you didn't get a vac chamber, with a little heat and time you can have a good batch in about 48 hours or so depending on a lot of things really. If you want to get into the difference between shatter, and wax, and all that we could talk for a long time though. Hit me up with a P.M. or something if you want details bro. I don't know how you plan on enjoying your finished product, but I suggest a nice bubbler, and some kind of nail. I just went out today, and got a new little oil rig bubbler thingy. I couldn't resist when I seen the little insignia on it. It's a really personal story wish I could share it, but there is a tattoo involved it that tells you anything, quite a night folks.
View attachment 2760365View attachment 2760364View attachment 2760366View attachment 2760367View attachment 2760368View attachment 2760369This last pic is my old globe, and yes it needs cleaned.

R.I.U. can be so frustrating with their glitches sometimes. I can't enlarge any pics, so blow em up yourselves if you want, sorry! It's a nice sturdy rig, and hits like a champ. I can't do 3 footers anymore, so bubblers work just fine for me. Plus when ever I want i can upgrade to a titanium nail, or domeless bowl or what have you, so this little guy will be fun for me. This was just $80 locally so not bad at all, and it's pretty thick too so I hopefully won't break the thing in a weeks time. I had my last little oil bubbler for almost a year I think, and the dumb nail broke in half before anything else went out. I usually don't have such good luck with glass, a small bowl I'll have for years, but an expensive 2 and a half foot triple percolated glass on glass beast will be toast in 4 months, no B.S. I have the worst karma with glass bongs or something. Have a great night everyone. Peace and love.


Well-Known Member
Thanks myco. I have this desire to build a steampunk smoking cab.

Gut my vapor brothers and have a bunch of hidden compartments with bud, kief, and tools. Install it into one of my office cabinets next to my grow closet.

Anyway, be a cool way to get high.

Steampunk.jpg steampunk-2.jpg


Well-Known Member
I like that style. Some Steampunk electroform oil rigs would be killer, with different levels of percolation, and tubes for smoke, and such. I just took a 1/4 gram dab of that Menage a Trois oil, and that stuff is so elating with a great feeling of being really light. I have a couple degenerating disc's in my back, and I'll tell you what, this stuff is so perfect for that. I was thinking a couple small containers here, and there should work out, but now i think I'm gonna order a couple of 5 packs so I can store some with labels saying what it's best for. I know some will make me crazy hungry, and others very relaxed or the other side, energetic. That Skunk#1 is a very up-lifting plant, and will get you going no matter what you feel like really. When I type my finger tips feel funny from that oil, ha ha. Just thought I would share that, it's kind of funny. Anyways, I think you're on to something, cool as hell yet discreet. I said you have an eye for that kind of thing earlier, you just proved me right bro. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
LOL Hamish, Absolutely nothing. It just looks like it could launch a nuclear weapon.

Steampunk is cool and would fit in well with the blue light from my vape.

Guess I just have more time on my hands than I know what to do with, ya know.

Myco, it's snack time...give me some candy


Well-Known Member
Imagination is exercise for the mind Pros, never stop using it, not enough people have any imagination. I think that's why some get freaked out thinking about a grow, no imagination on how to do it really, just anxiety. Anyways, i cleared out my in box, sorry about that bro. I hate tellin people to P.M. me, and have my box full. It makes me feel like an @$$hole. All clear now though. The real candy is in the concentrate Pros, really top notch smell, and taste. The effect is mind numbing though, really lays you out, and has you eating pizza without moving much. I had stuff to do, but I can do it tomorrow too. I think I'm gonna watch the new Cheech & Chong movie on NetFlix where they're on stage doing their bits live. OK, time to be one with furniture guys. Have an awesome night people. Peace and Love.


Well-Known Member
I'm taking your advice bro. Sticking to vaping flowers and a little sprinkle of kief on special occasions. Leave the harder stuff for those that need the medical benefits. No sense me building up a tolerance for what is ultimately just recreation.

Thanks for the encouragement on my steampunk vaporizer. I think it would be cool to add a count down timer that would switch the vaporizer off automatically.

View attachment 2760542

And another gauges that measure temp. Turn dials that when positioned correctly, would unlock secret compartments that hold my stash and accessories. Lot of directions I could go with this, but the main thing is that it look over the top and out of this world.

It would be great to have a one-only, piece of art that runs the vapor, ya know.


Well-Known Member
A complete one of a kind vaporizer would be pretty wicked, i have to admit. Pull something out that would just floor your buddies. Start pullingknobs, and dials, and compartments start opening up, and an automated voice welcomes you to your vaporizer. "Hello Prosperian, would you like to get high?" Yeah I could dig it, you know. I went out with the intent on getting that Essential Vape for ease of use, and good price, but ended up getting what I did because the 3 places I went to didn't have any. I'm looking around at all the crap they have, and of course they don't have a thing that says "for medical use only". Lots of dildo's but no nice little vaporizer that has a case and all for $55. Oh well, I needed something today, and I did get something nice, so it's all good. I really do think you're making the right decision with keep ing your tolerance lower. Before you know it you'd be smoking an ounce in as little as 2 months, you know. You don't want that. J.K. bro, I so wish I could stop smoking for a while, and lower the tolerance back down for a little while. I would end up having to take tons of big pharma chem drugs though, and it's not worth that to me. I like being able to type on my phone with the R.I.U. mobile app. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
I made my first BHO. Yahoo. How long do I have to have it sit after I vacuum purge it? I love. Great smell. You were so right Myco. I love it.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations bro, that's so cool to hear. I would assume you've collected it, and you have either whipped in air for a wax biscuit, or have tried not to disturb the resin, and are going for shatter. If you're going for the wax biscuit you can go now, and hit her hard for about 6-8 hours for a nice purge. you know you have it right cause it's no longer tacky like it was, and if you pop it in the freezer for 20 mins or so you can pick it right up off the silicone mat, and it will hold form. shatter is a little more complicated the way I do it with different heatings, and a careful vac at first with little movement of anything. I don't know if that comes out right typing it, and all. Oh well, I would suggest going for some killer wax the first time anyways, and experimenting from there with it. Before you purge make sure you whip it on the heat source you're using and get it looking like taffy, then place it on your mat for the vac chamber, and do your thing with it man. Different vacs will act differently sometimes so I hope yours came with instructions bro. Mainly you want to have intervals of pump on, and full vac in chamber just sealed. That will help like belch the gas out. After you purge, you simply enjoy man, no wait, just dab that shiznit bro, and have a fun ride. Have fun bro, that's what it's all about. I so wish I could be there right now man. You have to post some pics please, and please feel free to post some in my thread! It could only bring more people in. how exciting man, seriously, have fun, and let us know how it comes out please. Peace out. Listen to this song with a nice system that has a little punch to it. I know i've posted it before, but it's cool as hell to listen to when that oil hits the head.[video=youtube;pXxwxEb3akc][/video]


Well-Known Member
I missed the whole whip it part. I went from butane blasts to letting it sit in the hot water bath an hour to razor blading it off the pyrex and purging it five times. Its deep red amber with a clearness to it. Its my first time. I hit two small dabs and I am out there in the clear zone. Great smell and taste. Very strong. I like it. This is some really fun shit. I forget who said it but they said it right when they brought up how this is similar to the first time you get stoned in high school or whenever. Damn. What am I missing? The weed comes out dry as hell right? Can you reblast the weed? What did I miss? Sorry man. Whacked out. :hump: Kudi is on. Sweet.


Well-Known Member
The weed comes out dry, and void of life or something, yes. I've never done anything with the leftovers besides pitch it. As long as the butane was coming out clear when you blasted there is nothing to go back for. Yeah, it's alot like the first time you get high, good description. The clear amber is exactly what you're going for bro, wooohooo that's the stuff right there bro. I like to use a griddle that has a low setting rather than any water bath or any of that. I just blast, take it to the griddle, and either whip, or leave still, but work out the gas if you know what I mean. You can even raise and lower the temp pretty easy, and you can use a I.R. thermometer to keep track of the Heat more closely. Now remember to clean all tolls after the process as this will make your life alot easier down the road bro. I know you a clean guy, but you also been smoking oil bro so I have to say something, LOL. Have a great night, and enjoy yourself this weekend! One more song for you. Some times I miss my JL subs, when I hear songs with bass lines like this. Peace out everyone, TORCH THAT RIG, IT'S FRIDAY!bongsmilie