iceland volcano and this year's outdoor . . . .


Well-Known Member
so they say that volcano could go on up to a year . . . . it's pretty unpredictable.

if it sends out smoke for months straight, wouldn't that have adverse affects on our outdoor crops this year?

I mean that would seriously suck balls to have everything ruined by some fuckin volcano polluted rain . . .

any experts on the subject of volcanoes and weather? I've heard they can cause extended winters, but that will probably be on our next winter if it lasts a year . . . but for real I'd like to hear some discussion on this . . .


Well-Known Member
it may make thing a little cooler? i just watch the discoverery channel and hear shit like that, no scientist obviously. but i would think unless your within the area the dust is all moving things will be alright. it will have percussions for a few years. my guesss.


Well-Known Member
theres another simmilar thread i just posted an article in that answered most of my questions

pretty much, if it keeps pumping out ash and it causes a chain reaction to set off another volcano(which has happened in the past) then were going to have some serious problems. the article was kind of optimistic and sugar coated things, but you need to learn how to read between the BS


Well-Known Member
for sure . . .

so it seems that if shit goes south, it wont happen for atleast another year . ..

but damn I'm gonna flip out of my crop gets ruined this year ahaha.


Well-Known Member
in norcal your pretty far from where the action is going on. the uk growers really have something to worry about though


Active Member
in norcal your pretty far from where the action is going on. the uk growers really have something to worry about though
Yep, I am not even in the worst hit part by any means, but there is way more particles in the air, all the cars are getting covered in it. I don't grow outside, but I can imagine many people over here having a few issues.


Well-Known Member
I don't think very many UK growers grow outside anyways . . .

hopefully this doesn't change anything as far as outdoor growing in america goes . . . . butI think if it gets bad enough it'll affect everyone who grows outdoors...


Well-Known Member
east coast should be the last hit. prevailing winds take it towards mainland europe then it has to go around the globe to get to us. i hope...