ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow!! This has inspired me to do my own chest of drawers private grow. I have been watching this thread with interest! My grow box is going to be almost exactly like yours. One question though, you only have that one fan? No intake hole, just an exhaust setup with the fan at the bottom? Great grow, keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow!! This has inspired me to do my own chest of drawers private grow. I have been watching this thread with interest! My grow box is going to be almost exactly like yours. One question though, you only have that one fan? No intake hole, just an exhaust setup with the fan at the bottom? Great grow, keep it up!
I have an inline duct fan in the cootube

Another inline duct fan for the filter/exhaust

Passive intake (right now the door isnt totally sealed so I have air coming in from the 1.5" hole in the bottom of the box as well as around the door. When smell gets strong I will put another passive hole in the bottom of the box.

And then I have 2 fans inside the box to blow air around :)


Well-Known Member
I have an inline duct fan in the cootube

Another inline duct fan for the filter/exhaust

Passive intake (right now the door isnt totally sealed so I have air coming in from the 1.5" hole in the bottom of the box as well as around the door. When smell gets strong I will put another passive hole in the bottom of the box.

And then I have 2 fans inside the box to blow air around :)

Oh, ok, I think I understand. My plants are only a week old. I just wasn't for sure if you had an actual intake fan (besides the cooltube). I probably won't get a cooltube, I might just go CFL all the way. But you changed your mind, so I might also, haha!

Here is mine so far, i am going to create a journal. I'm painting the box right now!


Well-Known Member
Curb! Those things are behemoths! You are doing great, my man! I will most certainly fall behind you in yields! That HPS has shown its ass! Are you adverse to putting your girl in a little LST as well? I am seeing some amazing potential for extra treats if you did! The cool tube looks like a winner! How do you have the light suspended again?


Well-Known Member
I'm contemplating boycotting an update until I have bud sites that look like sea urchins.

I mean, sure.. I have more sites on the plant that have the white V hairs... But I'm a man of urchins... That's what I want!


Well-Known Member
Please don't boycott, you have too many followers!!!! I'm gonna update my journal tonight, as I am almost done with my grow box and my girls almost have their new home!


Well-Known Member
Wow! Those pistils are like 5 miles long and super sexy! Can you just give me one a day? Pretty please??? I would believe you've got billions of hairs to choose from! Do these buds really grow that slowly?

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
hey curb dont worry about it man WW is notorious for its slow flowering. Ive heard of ppl taken their crops up to 12 weeks of flowering for good maturity. Hang in there and those urchins will be as big as any in no time.


Well-Known Member
I was doing my normal adjusting of the grow box, the plant, making sure it's leaves weren't hitting the CFLs at all... and my girl walked up and goes "I'm not very impressed by that light"...
and I go "Huh? The CFL or the HPS?"
And she goes "The one with the tube.. I thought it was going to have some significant difference and really the plant doesnt look much different, nor is it growing at any better of a rate than it was with the other lights"...
I go "hmm yeah.. I dont think its as bright as it was to begin with. Im not sure what the deal is.. Just doesnt seem too bright"... then I got down to where I could see the bulb of it... and I looked it the brightness of it, vs the 42w cfl... and I said "See, I can look right at the HPS and its bright but if I look at the CFL is REALLY fucking bright."

Iunno if something is up with my light or what... Just seems like it's not making a huge difference.

Just found out yesterday that my work is going to be basically going out of business in a few weeks. I wont be updating anything with my grow anytime soon. Sigh.. fuck.

Maybe I'm just bummed lately but according to the calendar I have had #3 sexed since November 2nd... Today is November 13. That's what.. 11 days.. So 1.5 weeks.. I do see a few more hairs growing here and there... Iunno... too many thoughts... too much shit going on in life... maybe Im just being a bitch.

1.5 weeks isnt 2 weeks.. and I was going to wait to see if I had urchins on 2 weeks... I guess Im impatient. Plus Bitti did say WW takes longer to start flowering... so maybe ill just stfu again.

Im going to transplant this weekend.. into the 5gal.. Better sooner than later.

I will update again, with pics either tomorrow, saturday or sunday.


Well-Known Member
Hey, that 42w CFL is harder to look at because it's light spectrum is much more broad.

That HPS is much stronger, but in the yellow spectrum.

I can look at my buddy's 400w hps much easier than a 13wcfl.


Well-Known Member
Days since ground-break: 45 days
Day of 12/12: 11
Number of plants: 1
Lights: (1) 150w HPS, (1) 42w CFL, (2)26w CFL
Lumens: 15,000 + 2,700 + (2)1,600 = 20,900
Light Cycle: 12/12
Temps: 78-83ºF
Nutes: FF BigBloom 1/2 strength

So, im pretty blazed and my girl is working late tonight so I figured I would update... Have I ever said how much I love marijuana? Though, I am having a really short attention span.. I came to update this like 40 mins ago, got caught up on a thread, and read tons of pages of some random thread. HAHA.

Anyways! I guess I lied about not updating until urchins... I am 11 days in and I dont know if I will have urchins by 2 weeks.. Maybe 3 weeks? iunno.

Yesterday, after only going 3 days since her last watering, #3 was looking pretty sad... So I watered her, and about 4 hours later she looked really good. I am preparing the 5gal bucket for the transplant. Was going to put a pipe down in there... supposedly it's suppose to help the roots get oxygen.

Here's some pics now guys

Sad little #3.

You're suppose to point your leaves to the sky!

There you go!

Here she is tonight

Here is CHARLIE's 11 fingered leaf


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about #3, she's doing exactly what she's supposed to at this point. Those bitches are gonna start slurping up water like nobody's business once they start getting hairy.

Make sure you start bumping up your P and K for flowering.

I noticed a HUGE difference in trichome production when I started using a boost of 0-10-10 Liquid Koolbloom with my regular feeding. Best $22 I've spent on this whole operation of mine.


Well-Known Member
it could be the bulb 1 of mine has already blown out and when I changed it and put in the replacement I ordered from econo light when I first ordered I swear the replacement is much brighter than the original maybe Im bugging but I dont know......
just my 2 cents I could be completely wrong
I did make sure to run down to home depot and lift a few replacements ;-)


Well-Known Member
naw one of things that would rotate your plant..So it could get light on all sides..It was just an idea. your grow box looks like it would be perfect for something like that.


Well-Known Member
naw one of things that would rotate your plant..So it could get light on all sides..It was just an idea. your grow box looks like it would be perfect for something like that.
Oh.. yeah I dont think it would fit.. It would likely F up the branches while it spun. There isnt really any leeway room between the back of the box and the door of it. I do rotate it daily manually.. :)