id bet money u cant figue this one out!!! mysterious root rot


Well-Known Member
what up riu!! so heres the deal, ive been growing successful crops of high grade medical cannabis for over 2 years now. i understand how the plant grows as well as the ideal conditions in which the plant thrives. but now i am in fear of losing my dream, which is to keep doing this til the day i die. my grow room conditions are as follows:

DWC 5gal bucket on 20gal res. 1000whps(flower), ho t5 for veg. air conditioned, co2 supplemented., good circulation, huge air pump etc etc

rh- 40-50%
air temp- 65-75degF
ph- 5.8
ppm/ec- a lot lower than the bottle says to put. lol
water temp- 63-72degF
nutes- sensigrow/bloom, cal-mag, liquid kool bloom, humbolt honey
foliar spray-sm90,saturator, floralicious, fulvic acid, humic acid, foxfarm grow big/bloom- every 7-10days and i use combos of those nutes, not all togethr

the problem im having is effecting only clones and juveniles. first it was only effecting the clones. success rate was 25% at best. the clones would develop what looked like snot on the stems. h202 would sometimes work, but not always. now, after transplanting into net pots the juveniles get a brown slime on roots and quickly die or stunt. i suspect its brown slime algae(which is actually a bacteria) brought by fungus gnats, as the cause. fungus gnats are gone. i have tried dropping temp, more bubbles, etc. ive tried h202, sm90, hygrozyme, various brands of myco's, even heisenbergs myco tea method, but nothing works. ive sterilized the shit outta my grow and equipment, ive tried using ro water from different places, and more, and this shit still live on. it kills a perfectly healthy looking plant in a day. im totally stumped and frustrated. i am now way behind on my perpetual and at risk of losing everything. i can post pics but i think whoever can solve this knows what root rot looks like. plz help guys


Well-Known Member
and don't ever trust what the bottle says.. get you a good ph/ppm meter and calibrate it every time you use it


Well-Known Member
and what is your water starting ppm? holy fuck dude sorry these questions just keep popping into my head


I start my clones in a (ez cloner) with temp at 75degrees 60%-70%humidity to start and some Ionic clone solution,at about 500ppm and with in days I can see roots starting. I let the roots grow untill they are nice and healthy then transplant them in to my NFT system which is similar to a DCW set up. Try and keep it simple is always my plan they dont need much to live.


Well-Known Member
Your res water is to warm, try freezing some 20 oz pop bottles and throwing them in there 1-3 times a day. that will do the trick. the pump is warming the water too much.. I used to use a ezcloner until one day i decided to just try in promix and never had a problem again.. but your doing hydro so I would try the pop bottle method


Well-Known Member
Your res water is to warm, try freezing some 20 oz pop bottles and throwing them in there 1-3 times a day. that will do the trick. the pump is warming the water too much.. I used to use a ezcloner until one day i decided to just try in promix and never had a problem again.. but your doing hydro so I would try the pop bottle method
u guys arent reading the info. ive grown successfully for 2 years with this same system and i havent changed anything. this problem came outta the blue. i use a bluelab combo meter to monitor res temp, ph, ppm. ppm is 500-600. i have a res chiller i dnt need frozen pop bottles. ive spent alot of money on equipment to perfect environmental conditions. u sayin res temp 63 deg is too hot? ive tried as low as 60. ive dropped it there and kept it there and still have the prob. look nothing is different from when i was successfully growing 20 oz plants w this system. i use ez cloner for cloning and it worked fine until one day. listen its not an environmental problem. my conditions are perfect for cannabis


Well-Known Member
what are you cloning in? ez cloner?
cloning isnt the real prob. i only grow one plant per 1000w in a 4x4 area, and only 2 plants total at a time so i dnt need a lot of clones. so 25% clone success is fine, and i can always buy clones. the real prob is they die during veg.


Well-Known Member
Are you using nutes specifically made for hydro?
Using soil nutrients for hydro usually will result in the gunk you speak of. But if this isn't the case, pictures of the issue would help us figure it out...


Well-Known Member
advanced is def for hydro, i use grow big in promix and sensi bloom and calmag for flowering.. got any pics?


Well-Known Member
I heard a story of a guy who went 250 thousand dollars in debt because he was too stubborn to swith to dirt. The guy had what everybody reffered to as an "environmental" issue that he couldnt figure out.


Active Member
I got that brown slime shit also, it's an algae and it's almost impossible to get rid of once you got it. couldn't get rid of it with anything I tried, got so fed up started doing it the old fashion way, rockwool cubes and olivia's cloning gel. Havn't had problems since.