Idea for drying chamber

Not too sure if this can be confirmed but, while shopping around wal-mart looking for items to throw toward a grow room, I passed by household area and came across one of those cheap "mainstays" brand "Cloth wardobe". In my head i thought that would be a great DIY drying chamber, just have to create some shelves for racks, or dowels for hanging. I was so psyched I wouldn't have measure, cut, create a cabinet out of spare wood but the box read that the fabric was "breathable"
If there were a small bathroom fan exhaust installed at the top, would the "breathable" fabric be beneficial or ruin the whole point of it?
seeing as it would suck in clean air from the outside through negative pressure or something.
Another problem I realized is that the fabric is white, and probably let's light through, though that can be taken care of.

Any insight on this idea?

Also, does anyone have any plans for a PVC frame for a dryer? something similar to this.


Active Member
I would use it, like you said being breathable is nice nice to bring in air from all over. Light is easy to take care of with panda paper, blanket or just keeping it in a dark room. I have a 4 layer frame made out of pvc I place in my closet when it comes time to dry. I am sure you can fit something in there. I have mine alternated between a layer of twine run across to hang branches, then screen below that, with another layer of twine then more screen. Might be hard to picture. I will try to dig up some pics of it.
Sweet, I may end up taking that path and putting it in a closet to avoid shelling out more panda film and measure, cut repeat. OR the fact that 10 minutes ago I found a new big cardboard box, durable enough to use as a dry box. Just looking for something cheap easy and one that does the job.

thank you, by the way I actually meant to put this in the DIY section but I was probably so psyched about it that I totally didn't remember so, thanks for moving it