Idea for veg lighting... 18/6 or 22/2 or 22/6

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
I have been thinking about all the talk I hear about peoples different lighting schedules as it pertains to veg. Some do 18/6, some 20/4, some 24/7, prolly some 22/2.

Does anyone have any opinions on a lighting schedule of 22/6?

I feel as though the plants do need some time to rest. Sometimes I feel after they have a good nights rest they have grown significantly and dont want to lose that growth.

Does anyone think the plants will care if they end up with 28 or 30 hour days?

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
Almost 2 dozen views and no posts, not upset. Dont get me wrong.

I am curious to know though, am I looking into this too far. Will it have no influence on the plants?

I would kind of think that if I can provide them with a longer day to absorb more light, but still provide them with a long night to rest, it may really help them, maybe do something drastic.

Any opinions on this topic, would be greatly appreciated, even an "I dont know".

Maybe I should post this thread in a different forum?


Active Member
Its an interesting idea, i dont know how effective it would be. I would be afraid of them herming or something though.

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
22/6 hours?

i dunno if thats a trick question but theres not 28 hours in a day

so how can you possibly do that?
To be 100% honest I dont know. I thought maybe I was tricking myself. That is why I posted on my thread the second time. Thought everyone might call me a dumb ass.

But think about it. Even if there is only 24 hours in our day doesnt mean there is only 24 in the plants day. We are god to them in every other aspect; ppm, ph, light, temp., humidity, etc.

I dont know. Just dont know...

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
Maybe by provided them with a 28 or 30 hour day it will cut the grow time by a 6th, hell even an 10th. If we are talking about 12-14 week cycle start to finish, somewhat quick SOG. Then maybe it will save a week or two.


Well-Known Member
to me all i can think of is that its goin to be hard to find a timer with a 30 hour day, or whatever time table your thinknig of
To be 100% honest I dont know. I thought maybe I was tricking myself. That is why I posted on my thread the second time. Thought everyone might call me a dumb ass.

But think about it. Even if there is only 24 hours in our day doesnt mean there is only 24 in the plants day. We are god to them in every other aspect; ppm, ph, light, temp., humidity, etc.

loool you make me laugh!

Obviously we control everything else but creating more time in a day is IMPOSSIBLE

But go ahead try it you get stuck pretty quick! ;)


IMO... A longer night cycle allows more hormone production. Longer days lead to more carbohydrate production. carbohydrate= growth, Right? hormones=preflowers, Right? I would think that a 24 day followed by an 8 hour night would be the best of both worlds... Have fun looking for a 32 hr timer tho...

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
IMO... A longer night cycle allows more hormone production. Longer days lead to more carbohydrate production. carbohydrate= growth, Right? hormones=preflowers, Right? I would think that a 24 day followed by an 8 hour night would be the best of both worlds... Have fun looking for a 32 hr timer tho...
I have several digital timers, they have up to 20 on/off programs. So I could just manually type in each day and figure out where to start to make the week run consecutive. Maybe?

Thanks all, didnt know if it had been tried or thought of.

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
I've never heard of someone putting them on +24 hr days, very unique! let me know how it works out! +rep
Thanks for the props.

Bout a month or so out before I get another one going. I'll make sure they take to the transplant and nutes first, then switch the light cycle & what happens. I'll get a journal started for it.