Ideas Needed! 12 Site Ebb & Flow.

Yes it is :)
New questions arise..i thought i had it all worked a bit intimidated by this 12 site ebb and flow w/ two 1,000 watt litez sittin in front of me still in the box lol.. this is my seconds gro..the first was in a "phototron" it had depressing yields...i wanna play with the big nervousabout which nutes to buy i put tjem in my res. And letter rip??? I just watch my ph (6.5?) And make sure theres no salty build up in thelines do i know when to flush? Trial n error.....


New Member
New questions arise..i thought i had it all worked a bit intimidated by this 12 site ebb and flow w/ two 1,000 watt litez sittin in front of me still in the box lol.. this is my seconds gro..the first was in a "phototron" it had depressing yields...i wanna play with the big nervousabout which nutes to buy i put tjem in my res. And letter rip??? I just watch my ph (6.5?) And make sure theres no salty build up in thelines do i know when to flush? Trial n error.....
Hey BadShroom. Couple questions that may help us figure this out. What are the dimensions of your grwo room (LxWxH)? Just helps in figuring out a layout for you lights and for the buckets. With 12 buckets you have plenty of light and will have plenty of room to move around between plants and check things out. Just make sure you do the things mentioned in those threads to avoid some of the issues with that system (i.e. pvc cutouts in the buckets, foil tape wrap your hoses and control bucket, place grow buckets higher than control bucket, etc..). Thes guys really know that system and seem to have worked out all of the kinks so you would be wise to take their advice.

My advice with nutrients is just play it simple. The first grow you really shouldn't worry about additives and all that. Look for a good 2 part base nutrient system with a micro note. You don't want to be mixing anymore than 3 nutrients your first trip down the ebb & grow. Look at General Hydroponics Flora Grow, Flora Bloom, Flora Micro. Then make sure to go on there website and get a feeding schedule. Research it a little. Test it out. What is really important are the recommended ppm levels for every week of veg and flower. Sometimes the amounts they give you are wrong so you need to test your solution to make sure the ppm is where it should be. Pay attention how your plants react to this. Keep a journal as to how much you feed them. Maybe the 2nd time around you try and feed them a little more to push them and see what they can handle. mix your nutrients in the reservoir once a week and at the end of that week clean out your reservoir. In the beginning you won't need to fill the reservoir up all the way. Most likely half way. Do your best to keep your nutrient reservoir as cool as possible. 62-65 is ideal. If you don't want to throw down for a chiller then freeze water bottles and figure out a schedule to add 1 bottle a day or so to keep the reservoir cool. This and a small amount of hydrogen peroxide will eliminate any chance of getting algae and slimes building up.

If you've got questions just post them up here on the forum or send me a PM.