Identify This Deficiency


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, These leaves were from older fan leaves and somewhat new growth on lower branches. Plant looks completely healthy other than these few leaves. I'm feeding the plants a mixture of high nitrogen guano and compost teas. Occasionally ill feed with some fox farm big grow, but that hasn't been for a couple weeks now.

Any ideas of what this could be. I had a thought of Potassium deficiency since of feeding with mostly nitrogen. I used a chart of deficiency comparison between my leaves and those of the chart. I'm still not quite sure.

Any expert advice will be considered.

def 004.jpgdef 006.jpgdef 008.jpg



Well-Known Member
personally those just look like some sun leaves whose time was up. if they were only from the bottom part of the plant i wouldnt stress too much. i get a few leaves lookin like that every year, i just pluck em and dont think twice about em again. i could be wrong but seeing as how their all fan leaves i wouldnt worry about em. a picture of the rest of the plant would be helpful. if the rest of it looks fine like u say i dont think u have any problems at all.


Well-Known Member
C'mon just because some leaves turn yellow or fall off doesn't mean there's a deficiency or even a problem. Its a part of getting older... You should be out there pulling leaves like this on the daily and its only going to get worse as your plant matures.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting the same thing for the last few weeks. I tried varying things and it just continues. The rest of the plant looks good; just some lower leaves affected. I'm wondering if the incessant heat is making them a little finicky. Frankly, I'm surprised they are holding up so well in this relentless heat wave.


Well-Known Member
C'mon just because some leaves turn yellow or fall off doesn't mean there's a deficiency or even a problem. Its a part of getting older... You should be out there pulling leaves like this on the daily and its only going to get worse as your plant matures.
relly lol leaves arnt just yellow they show signs of phophors and zinc deff see above post to confirm


Well-Known Member
relly lol leaves arnt just yellow they show signs of phophors and zinc deff see above post to confirm
I have been having this same problem for a few weeks. I did some troubleshooting and upped the phosphorus and zinc, yet it continues. I don't want to overdo it so I'm not going to go overboard with nutes. Personally, I think the heat is putting a lot of strain on the plants. I don't want to overfeed during a heat wave so I am waiting a few days till the heat breaks and will reassess. If the rest of your plant is otherwise healthy, I would take it slow and don't stress.


Well-Known Member
thx for the replys guys. Id have to agree that its some type of potassium and phosphorus deficiency.- By the way people a deficiency doesn't necessarily mean there is anything wrong with the plant, there is just a small imbalance with the ratios of the nutrients. Im not gonna start dumping all sorts of high P and K nutes to fix it. Ill simply add a little flower nutrient with the guano over the next week which should be fine.


Well-Known Member
you guys have got to be kidding me.....if the leaves all over the plant look like that, then yea, you got a problem, otherwise yes, a perfectly healthym plant will throw tons of leaves like that throughout the season....go look at some big outdoor've obviously never seen one.


Well-Known Member
you guys have got to be kidding me.....if the leaves all over the plant look like that, then yea, you got a problem, otherwise yes, a perfectly healthym plant will throw tons of leaves like that throughout the season....go look at some big outdoor've obviously never seen one.
Yeah, this is only the second time I've have plants over 8 feet and I am so into this grow that I am checking these girls 3x a day, trying not to obsess (but obviously am). I'm being very conservative with nutes (my base soil is good) and careful not to overwater, letting nature take its course.