Identifying my plants strains from a possible 5


Ok, bit of a weird question and I wasnt sure where to post it coz Im new to the site but here goes:

Basically, I was given some seeds as a gift from one of my friends grows. He apparently gave me some kushberry, northern lights, power plant, super lemon haze and apparently some seeds which resulted in a kushberry female somehow getting seeded via unknown pollen. I think he got them mixed up to be honest. The two seeds that were supposed to be kushberry (all my plants are in week 3 of flowering by the way) looked the same until I switched to 12 12 lighting. They now have buds which look different, one has considerably larger buds than the other and also has really white hairs as opposed to the other which has more yellowish hairs. The one with the bigger buds and whiter hairs smells kinda citrus-esque/skunky but the other has less of an obvious smell. Could these still be both kushberry but just appear and smell slightly different? He may have got it totally wrong all together when telling me what the seeds are. So, I narrowed it down and personally think the options are: Super Lemon Haze, Kushberry, kushberry x ? and Power Plant. Im convinced these two are different strains. I grew these two fairly large (bout 2feet) but I have three others which I flowered as soon as they had 5 nodes. These were all supposed to be Northern Lights. One of them looks like it could be Northern Lights. Has wide leaves like an Indica. The other two however, Im not convinced they are Northern lights. The leaves seem more sativa like but because they were late to start flowering they dont have enough bud development for me to judge them upon. They dont smell really and all the hairs are a similar colour...
Now, Im aware that this is probably a waste of time asking this as Im sure its probably impossible to identify unknown strains just from the smell and appearance but is it possible to narrow it down somehow? Hybrids seem harder to identify because they obviously have traits of sativa and Indica.... Any suggestions or helpful information anyone could offer me on this dilemna would be much appreciated.
Thanks people! Peace x