Idk what I did wrong plants looked amazing and then these last 2 days they look like this


Well-Known Member
too much water, soil too hot (nutes), PH imbalance. Probably the 3 most common mistakes and since we have no idea what soil, what nutes, what temps, what rh, or any other useful info about your grow environment, you are likely going to get more questions than answers.. My opinion - start over - this sprout is not worth trying to save imo.


New Member
too much water, soil too hot (nutes), PH imbalance. Probably the 3 most common mistakes and since we have no idea what soil, what nutes, what temps, what rh, or any other useful info about your grow environment, you are likely going to get more questions than answers.. My opinion - start over - this sprout is not worth trying to save imo.
Temp is 75 humidity is 62% light cycle is 24/7 water them when soils dry so like 2x a day


Well-Known Member
Don’t feed any nutes for a while. Let soil dry for a few days . Ph might be off. I recommend using a water bottle for a few waterings. Let it got a few days between water . And also what soil are you using how close is the light and what type of light and wattage is it?