Idk what is that and why

Alter Jean

Well-Known Member
IME, if the bud rot wasn't caused by higher humidity it was pest related. I've heard good things about silica helping to prevent molds and PM from taking hold, but what was your Pest Management?
Little black things there look like it could be Caterpillar damage causing bud rots.

I move plants in & out to build strong bones. Seeds under the sun are much larger ime.

Caterpillars / cabbage loopers can be a pain. Many times they come from brown moths and are hard to catch until they are large enough from eating your leaves or in your case the buds start falling off because they burrow inside of the calyx and munch away. Leaving poop. Causing the rots.


Well-Known Member
Spores are in Every breath you take. The key is keeping her health enough to fight them off. What were you using for a foliar? Is it a new strain to you/ your grow? Are you in a grow tent? Oh, and if you've had her inside most of her life threw her out into nature (even for a few hours) you took her from a basically clean life And threw her into a cest pool. It is a testament to your growing that you can't see it everywhere. Go get yourself a UV light. Mold will fluoresce under UV. @Wizzlebiz didn't you have some shit happen from smoking rotted buds?
Fuck no. Lmao. I would just throw the weed away. Ive done some stupid shit in my day but smoking rotted buds isnt one of them.


Well-Known Member
how the fuck it could have a funghi and mold I have it at home and when heat comes I put it out for sun light it was pretty much dry as you could imagine no cold mostly no rain apart from two thunderstorms so I v got spores of funghi in my buds but shrooms I grown still didnt show pins just fucking wonderful. Thanks for warning and description anyway.
What was your humidity like? That's the biggest factor related to the growth of *fungi