If a plant switches from veg to flower will it effect the final outcome?


Well-Known Member
457E117E-CF5A-413C-9F2A-AEEECC0CA0D8.jpeg 4628114D-CFF0-477F-93DF-E3986DBD59D7.jpeg image.jpg I have an outdoor Sour Diesel organic soil in 15 gal smart pot that has been switching from veg to flower most of the time.... I guess I put it outside too early....
my questions are:
1. Will this have an overall effect on the final outcome? If so what will it be?

2. Will this mess up the trichome/calyx(?)phases?

If anyone has advice or answers I greatly appreciate your time

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
yeah, you aren't going to get a very good haul off of that one. they call that revegging, and it's a time consuming process. especially if its started and stopped several times. that's why it's covered in one fingered leaves, it basically has to start over like its a new plant, one, then three, then 5, and it usually takes at least a couple of months. it should stop now that the days are long enough, but it'll still take it a while to start growing normally again, and the yield probably isn't going to be huge


Well-Known Member
As soon as it starts getting normal growth just clone the hell out of it. Been there and done that.

It will take longer but you'll get more yield off a load of clones from it. They should yield like a normal pheno.


Well-Known Member
Thanks I’ve wondered about that and searched and searched for information about that. Can you grow big plants from clones? I’ve also kept my plant covered with a really thin garden
net to protect it from my hens and birds so I think that may have affected the sunshine issue, I am taking the net off before sunrise now and putting it back on after dark hopefully that will help. Thank you for your response


Well-Known Member
Thanks I’ve wondered about that and searched and searched for information about that. Can you grow big plants from clones? I’ve also kept my plant covered with a really thin garden
net to protect it from my hens and birds so I think that may have affected the sunshine issue, I am taking the net off before sunrise now and putting it back on after dark hopefully that will help. Thank you for your response
The clone should be an identical copy in the way of characteristics. I have a plant right now in reveg. It's the fifth time I've done it. There's even a book out on regeneration of cannabis. It's handy when you take a test bud near chop time and find out you have rocket fuel. Go ahead and harvest the buds and trim it a certain way. Put it back under long light and get a shorter but similar appearing plant liked yours .

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
revegging doesn't produce seeds at all, unless the stress makes the plant herm. if you don't bother it and allow it the time it needs to do it's thing, it shouldn't be a thing


Well-Known Member
The longer it takes to reveg the shorter the plant will be. It may bush out. If it it fails to gain any size by reflower product weight will be severely decreased.