If Donner put the LAPD in such a sorry state,

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Who cares.....he was a murderer, nuff said........
yeah we get it.. you're a tuff guy. This wasn't directed at you or towards you in any way, shape or form. People were wondering where to find the radio transmissions. I provided some. That's all. No political statement or opinion. Just info.


Active Member
yeah we get it.. you're a tuff guy. This wasn't directed at you or towards you in any way, shape or form. People were wondering where to find the radio transmissions. I provided some. That's all. No political statement or opinion. Just info.
Wasnt trying to be a dick, was just saying. I watch the news too much and they wont stop talking about it and im kind of annoyed. Honestly, i do believe they killed him with a fire....there is enough proof of that. But he deserved it. The truth about the LAPD is most are crooked cops. Dorner new that, just went about exposing it the wrong way..... Sorry if i offended anyone....


Well-Known Member
cop = criminal on patrol

Not all police officers are bad folk. But here is the difference, the police, when the root out a bad one, will say "this is not representative of who we are" and "one bad apple....". However. It is against the law for a policeman not to come forward when they see an illegal act being performed by a fellow officer. So... either no one ever notices the behavior of those few "bad apples", in which case the police aren't very good at their job - that being the detection of illegal behavior, or they are aware. If they are aware and they are not speaking up, then they are actually all... bad apples.


New Member
Not all police officers are bad folk. But here is the difference, the police, when the root out a bad one, will say "this is not representative of who we are" and "one bad apple....". However. It is against the law for a policeman not to come forward when they see an illegal act being performed by a fellow officer. So... either no one ever notices the behavior of those few "bad apples", in which case the police aren't very good at their job - that being the detection of illegal behavior, or they are aware. If they are aware and they are not speaking up, then they are actually all... bad apples.


Well-Known Member
Wasnt trying to be a dick, was just saying. I watch the news too much and they wont stop talking about it and im kind of annoyed. Honestly, i do believe they killed him with a fire....there is enough proof of that. But he deserved it. The truth about the LAPD is most are crooked cops. Dorner new that, just went about exposing it the wrong way..... Sorry if i offended anyone....

So you figure that trial by cop is good enough? Dorner didn't deserve what every American citizen - especially a veteran deserves? a fair trial by a jury of one's peers? Nearly everything we know about the entire incident is filtered through police spokes people, we really have no idea what happened and we have been lied to by the police before. It is fairly evident that the police set the fire purposefully but that isn't what they are telling the media.


Active Member
I think every single person in attendance at that fire should be tried for murder. Not to justify or honor Dorner, but to make an example that murder even when committed by the "good" guys is wrong. Too bad in a couple of days it'll be swept under the rug and vanish.