If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.


Well-Known Member
Well given that my plant is almost 10.5 weeks in flower.... I think it probably couldn't hurt to start cutting. Am I right to say it's better to pull early than to pull too late? I'm not really a fan of couch-lock and I'm seeing a lot more amber trichs today. The white hairs are the minority too... probably about 70% brown hairs 30% white hairs.
Well if you aren't a fan of couch lock then yes cut now. White milky trichs means body high and that is a function able high for me. Personal preference for me is amber trichs though as I smoke weed for medicinal purposes. I got my card for Insomnia.
Whipowil. Can I freeze male green plants for hash when enough has accumulated?
Males don't typically carry too much thc but I use them for baking or make teas out of them so I don't see why not.


Well-Known Member
Usually I smoked AK47 or White Widow or Black Widow and it takes good care of my insomnia. This stuff I have is a bit of an upper bud bit I feel the last batch was cut prematurely because I needed to make money for my future grow and I just cut early to save time. I just took a clipping off 1 of my most recent harvests and smoked it a few hours ago and I am just now coming down. It's a nice smelling hard hitting DANK as a mothafucking bud so who knows. The strain I am talking about is called Ogre and I am going to make it a more well known strain as soon as I get the chance and get a nice size grow room set up which should be soon. :D I clipped some more buds today and the plants were over 2 foot when cut and I had to cut them in half to trim them lol One had a bud the size of a 1 liter bottle lol It's pretty decent sized buds :P
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Well I would actually have to ask what you are running. Is it DWC, aeroponic, hydroponic, or drip? Differences being DWC (Deep Water Cultivation) is growing in water and feeding air through pumps. Aeroponic is a circulation of water from the res pumped to the plants and back to the res. Hydroponic is growing in air and feeding water through pumps and sprayers. A drip is typically 4" rockwool or stonewool cubes with a drip system that is on 3-5 times a day. Let me know what you are growing with and I will be able to help a little more bud. Sorry about that
Hey mate,
thanks heaps for that, its a hydroponic setup. just wondering how long i should let the pump run for and what time ie: 3 X 15 min session during the day, none at night. i was running it 24/7 and for some reason didn't i got airbuds their just not thick. also what temp do you recommend i keep the water at. i putting the problem down to feeds as i know the clones were from a awesome mother and i have heaps of air ciculation.

Thanks again mate
your a legend


Well-Known Member
Hey mate,
thanks heaps for that, its a hydroponic setup. just wondering how long i should let the pump run for and what time ie: 3 X 15 min session during the day, none at night. i was running it 24/7 and for some reason didn't i got airbuds their just not thick. also what temp do you recommend i keep the water at. i putting the problem down to feeds as i know the clones were from a awesome mother and i have heaps of air ciculation.

Thanks again mate
your a legend
Well I don't have too much experience with too many hydroponics as I'm still somewhat new to hydro but I have read up on this already. In the morning you can do 20 minutes then 15 throughout the day and another 20 before bed. The way you do it is really personal preference but I have read with success 3-5 waterings throughout the day are sufficient. Adjust the water until they look like they are getting the right ammount. Growing has a ton of knowledge behind it and the best way to learn it is to do it. After a failure or 2 you will have success even if you don't know what you're doing. I say this because when I started growing I was told to grow under a black light if I wanted purple bud, water every day, blah blah blah. I learned after a bit of growing a few tricks that got me some bomb ass bud then I learned how to breed and went crazy with that. I have learned a ton just from trial and error :D Best way to learn it is to do it. My motto since I started reading about how to grow and all the side how to's has been "The more you know, The more you grow" As for the airy buds, what wattage light and what kind of light are you using to flower? Low wattage like 150 watt HPS or low count low wattage bulbs tend to give some really airy buds. Strains tend to effect the buds as I found in my previous grow. The water temps should be around 65*F. Hope this helps
god where do i start,im in day 41 of flower joker,an things have slowed right down to a crawl,my ww are looking terrible,really skinny an not puting any weight on,im feeding everytime i water swapping between canna terra flora an canna flowering boost,,an jus started with p/k 13/14..is this to much..?been reading an searching web for a answer for nearly 5days an nights,,my eyes are burning lol..need more coffee,,im watering when i think they need it,,when 1inch top soil is bone dry,,well when i think its dry,,sometimes can nver make up my mind lol,waiting for soil moister probe to come,,sooner the better.....



Well-Known Member
god where do i start,im in day 41 of flower joker,an things have slowed right down to a crawl,my ww are looking terrible,really skinny an not puting any weight on,im feeding everytime i water swapping between canna terra flora an canna flowering boost,,an jus started with p/k 13/14..is this to much..?been reading an searching web for a answer for nearly 5days an nights,,my eyes are burning lol..need more coffee,,im watering when i think they need it,,when 1inch top soil is bone dry,,well when i think its dry,,sometimes can nver make up my mind lol,waiting for soil moister probe to come,,sooner the better.....
Dude wtf you know if you came to me 5 days ago I would have been able to at least search out an answer if I didn't know.. First and foremost, your plants look good to me. They tend to stop growing for like 2 weeks in flower then explode into growth again. You said you are watering when you think its dry. How often is that? Once a week or more? If you are watering more than once a week you are probably over watering them. Are you growing in soil? If you are, the best advice I can give you and anyone else for that matter growing in soil is this:
If you can't figure out plant and soil language you need to experiment a lot more but the best way I have fount to water is to wait until their soil is pulled away from the walls at least half an inch. They wont die quickly from under watering unless it's hydro lol My rule I abide by is wait until the soil pulls away from the walls and then water until both the soil looks wet and there is water coming out the bottom. Usually you water with the same amount of mass you have roots. I get away with watering half of that and still only water once every week or TWO. Hope that helps.. If not you know where you can reach me :D Let me know bud


Well-Known Member
and if you are feeding with each watering you are most likely over feeding them too
I wasn't quick to point my finger at that because I fed with every watering but I fed in half doses too. Thanks for the chime in Kale +Rep :D (Guess not lol says I need to spread it around first)


Well-Known Member
Hey I have 2 ?'s for ya.
1-What purpose is being served when the pistols turn color?
2-Is anything gained from an extended dark period right before harvest?
if you addressed this than tell me what page and I'll check it out. When I get some time I'll go back and read the whole thread. Thanks!


i am setting up a stealth grow box and am compiling all my supplies i know that theres probably already a thread on this but im lazy and only have a few questions

first ive been searching ebay to buy my grow lights and have narrowed it down between cfl lights or led red/blue , for each light i was planing on getting both colors but i am not sure which is better or maybe they both suck i dont know

second what kind of soil do you recommend

finallydoes it really matter what size pots i use and is it possible to put several plants in the same pot


Well-Known Member
Bigger pots mean bigger plants, however that's still completely limited to your ability first. It's usually fine to start them in smaller pots and work your way up as the plant gets bigger, but if you can start in the size you need it's better. 3gal is usually good size for indoor plants, and at 5gal for outdoor.


Well-Known Member
Hey Joker,
I posted this as a newbie thread but I was hoping 4 a quicker answer here. I am getting worried about my girls!

I am trying to get pics posted but am having serious trouble with the process!

Problem... I had to transplant last week (about 2 days into flowering) as I realized that my pots just were not big enough. I bought good soil and used transplanting nutes. I watered them 5 days ago, had decent run off and thought all was well.
Turns out the soil I bought really should have had something added to it for drainage and aeration the soil is STILL really wet after 5 days! I am worried about getting some kind of root rot or other issue. Is there something I can do at this point? Due to my learn as I go procedure my girls have been transplanted 4 or 5 times total! (Only once since I found this board! Love you all!) I am worried about future waterings also. I need a fix for this that wont hurt my girls!

This is going to sound really really dumb, I have been reading my butt off and could not find this specific answer so please don't tell me I have more reading to do, I am aware.
Do buds form everywhere that hairs form? The reason I ask this is because my girls have TONS of these spots! My largest plant has 48 of them. I am only about 8 days into flowering and a total newbie so I do not know how long they keep growing new flowers before they just start getting larger and I have no idea if this is alot or not but it seems like it to me.

Thanks for the help ya'll!



Active Member
im lost does anyone know what this issue could be? I had transplanted the plant to a bigger pot 4 days ago. I just started seeing this three days ago and this morning it started curling up.

here a little about my setup.
Plants are strawberry cought, flour-scent lights " 2 48 inch 32w tubes " 2 1/2 weeks old, ph of 6.7, fox farm ocean forrest soil, no nutrition added yet since i transplanted them in a biger pot to with new soil....

I dont think its over watering the edge of the leaves are dry and crispy...

Hey another post here, I was wondering if you know how tall a container would have to be to grow lowryder using LST? (my first grow):p


Well-Known Member
Hey I have 2 ?'s for ya.
1-What purpose is being served when the pistols turn color? It is just a part of the bud growth. The pistils are no longer needed so they will die off eventually. They do store sugars in them that the plant uses up and that's when they turn color.
2-Is anything gained from an extended dark period right before harvest? Only thing an extended dark period will do is tell your plant winter is coming and it will finish quicker. You can also trick your trichs into developing quicker if you give them uv (sunlight) while you are doing shorter light sessions.
if you addressed this than tell me what page and I'll check it out. When I get some time I'll go back and read the whole thread. Thanks!
If I am at all incorrect on the statement above let me know. This is knowledge gained from reading. Hope this helps :D
i am setting up a stealth grow box and am compiling all my supplies i know that theres probably already a thread on this but im lazy and only have a few questions

first ive been searching ebay to buy my grow lights and have narrowed it down between cfl lights or led red/blue , for each light i was planing on getting both colors but i am not sure which is better or maybe they both suck i dont know
I am going to answer this question with 2 answers because I'm a bit confused at the question really. I use cfls and tube lights for veg (for now) and use HPS in flower. It's just the best flowering light out there. I have a really nice sized lady under 3 cfls and she does very well. I know I can do up to 8 per plant but eh 3's working for now :D As for colors / spectrum you should take a look at this chart here and try to get an understanding for your plants needs
This is a perfect beginners guide to spectrum :D Hope that answers your question :D

second what kind of soil do you recommend
Fox Farm is by far my favorite
finallydoes it really matter what size pots i use and is it possible to put several plants in the same pot
It absolutely matters what size of a pot. If you grow in a 1 gallon pot you will grow short plants. If you give at least 5 gallons of root/soil space then you will get moderate sizes. If you do several plants in the same pot you might want to put dividers in there like some cardboard or something so the roots don't strangle eachother.
Bigger pots mean bigger plants, however that's still completely limited to your ability first. It's usually fine to start them in smaller pots and work your way up as the plant gets bigger, but if you can start in the size you need it's better. 3gal is usually good size for indoor plants, and at 5gal for outdoor.
I usually go with 5 gallon inside and 10+ gallon for outside. Either way though. Less root restriction. Remember this rule. If you can't smash your plant down to fit in that pot, the pot is too small. Not that you want to smash your plant lol
Hey Joker,
I posted this as a newbie thread but I was hoping 4 a quicker answer here. I am getting worried about my girls!
First and foremost Thanks for dropping in.
I am trying to get pics posted but am having serious trouble with the process!

Problem... I had to transplant last week (about 2 days into flowering) as I realized that my pots just were not big enough. I bought good soil and used transplanting nutes. I watered them 5 days ago, had decent run off and thought all was well.
Turns out the soil I bought really should have had something added to it for drainage and aeration the soil is STILL really wet after 5 days! I am worried about getting some kind of root rot or other issue. Is there something I can do at this point? Due to my learn as I go procedure my girls have been transplanted 4 or 5 times total! (Only once since I found this board! Love you all!) I am worried about future waterings also. I need a fix for this that wont hurt my girls!

This is going to sound really really dumb, I have been reading my butt off and could not find this specific answer so please don't tell me I have more reading to do, I am aware.
Do buds form everywhere that hairs form? The reason I ask this is because my girls have TONS of these spots! My largest plant has 48 of them. I am only about 8 days into flowering and a total newbie so I do not know how long they keep growing new flowers before they just start getting larger and I have no idea if this is alot or not but it seems like it to me.

Thanks for the help ya'll!

Completely understandable as far as the reading goes. I have been there and so has dam near everyone else. That is just a part of growing lol I hate to say it but your reading isn't done. You can come to me for answers and about 90% of the time I will have them and the other 10% I will do the reading FOR YOU lol I hate reading but if it's something I don't know then Damit I have reading to do haha. Now onto your question. Yes buds will form everywhere there are white hairs. The lower on the plant the smaller the buds will be. The tops (or colas) will form the biggest as they are closest to the light. Every intersection where a branch meets the main stem (or node) you will more than likely have buds. Depending on the light you will have golfball sized buds or you will have football sized buds. That depends a lot on the lights and the strain.
im lost does anyone know what this issue could be? I had transplanted the plant to a bigger pot 4 days ago. I just started seeing this three days ago and this morning it started curling up.

here a little about my setup.
Plants are strawberry cought, flour-scent lights " 2 48 inch 32w tubes " 2 1/2 weeks old, ph of 6.7, fox farm ocean forrest soil, no nutrition added yet since i transplanted them in a biger pot to with new soil....

I dont think its over watering the edge of the leaves are dry and crispy...

Well first off you may want to add soil to that pot. Bring it right up to where those bad leafs are and it should be good. The leafs are normal. When the plant gets to a certain height it will shed it's old leafs. If I'm wrong about my initial diagnosis I would say the soil you went with may have had a high amount of nutrients in it. If you are using MG you need to flush your soil as soon as possible. MG soil used in earlier stages will also amplify your nutrients in new soil too so be careful about that. If you have used MG soil in any of your grow I would recommend flushing. If the problem gets worse I would recommend flushing. Foxfarm has been known to burn some of my plants before but that's because they were root bound and forgot what nutrients were like so they took to the new nutrients like a fat kid on cake. Ate everything in site and got burned from it. Just flush and most of the problems will go away. Hope that helps all of you if not please feel free to repost or drop me a line. :D
[QUOTE="GanJaMonsta";4234235]Hey another post here, I was wondering if you know how tall a container would have to be to grow lowryder using LST? (my first grow):p
You can go with a 3 gallon pot or a 5 gallon pot. Personally I would go 5+


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the rply joker. I have been reading some journals and for some reason several of r giving a 36 to 48 dark period then choppin em down and this is what I was wondering about. Very good info about the finishing early trick btw. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the rply joker. I have been reading some journals and for some reason several of r giving a 36 to 48 dark period then choppin em down and this is what I was wondering about. Very good info about the finishing early trick btw. Thanks
I apologize earlier I was a bit sober so I didn't go into detail about the uv on the plants. The plant creates trichromes like sunblock. The more the sun the more the "sun block" Hope that helps too :)