If I hold the door open for you...


Well-Known Member
I hold the door open especially for old women with walkers, but that's only so I can grab the walker out from under em as they go by that way I don't have to worry about her getting my place in line. Oh I forgot if there is no walker I just step on their shoelace.


Ursus marijanus
the courtesy is implied so asking for your spot in the line takes the whole gesture of holding the door open away imo.
Sometimes when I have a group of fit young people just behind me, I'll use the following "cheat": I'll hold the door open but from the inside, securing my priority in line. It's a maneuver that benefits from my having long arms.
For older or impaired folks, I'll take a more dignified station outside/behind.
Impaired can mean hands full with bags or a youngster. Or a bag of youngsters, heh. cn


Well-Known Member
I like when its a short chick and I hold the door open and let her go under my arm, lolz. especially if she is wearing sumptin that gives a good cleavage shot.


Well-Known Member
If I hold the door open for you, I expect a reach-around in return.

Common courtesy 'round these parts.


Well-Known Member
I never thought about this.. I only hold the door open for women or old people.. So I guess I usually don't care if they go in front of me, cause I'm never really in a hurry and always stoned.

but some times there is a guy right behind the girl and that awkward moment when you realize shutting it would be an insult.


Well-Known Member
I always hold the door for people too, and say thank you, sir when they do the same for me (thank you, precious, if it's a woman). I have to agree though, about the sammich. It's a tough call when I am hungry and I know I am making myself wait.

Always, always, do I allow people with small children to go ahead of me. That is a courtesy to all.


Well-Known Member
i accidentally did this to an old lady who stopped for me but i tried getting across the street when she needed to turn. hung back while i felt like a dick and remembered this place.