if i veg indoors for a few weeks, will my plants flower earlier outdoors?


Active Member
I'm thinking NO because flowering is triggered by light cycles rather than how big the plant is right?

but ive heard that going from the indoor veg light of 24/0 or 18/6 to an outdoor cycle of say 13/11 or thereabouts could possibly trigger early flowering? is this true?

Or would the plant just have an extra kickstart in veg time and just grow to be bigger but have the exact same flowering time?

im concerned because my frost hits at oct. 2nd. The plant i have is supposed to be done by late september at around 45 degrees north, but I'm at around 50 degrees north and at a high altitude. so im thinking it will be cutting it close so im looking for any way to make sure they get done in time.


New Member
if u move em out at the end of march beginning of april they wont start to show signs of flowering until late july early august depending on where u are at and the strain