If my leaves come in contact with....


Well-Known Member
...the chicken wire fence surrounding them, could this damage them in any way? I have someone looking after my plants while I'm away and they are reporting that the leaves that are touching the fence are turning yellow. Has anyone experienced this before?


Well-Known Member
Its not the chicken wire. Ya have them in pots and they need nutes.
They definitely get nutes. Grow big and big bloom every other watering, which works out to be about every six days. They are very green and healthy, and show no deficiences.

Some of the chicken wire had been lying around for a while before I used it for this project and may be a little rusty. Could this have anything to do with it?


Well-Known Member
If ya have gas,oil or what ever on the wire i could see it killing the leaves that touch it. that is the only reson for them to act like that.