If Prop 19 Passes.


Active Member
Just a simple question...interested in seeing how strongly people feel about this issue....

If prop 19 would pass, would you want to live in California any more?


Well-Known Member
A pot law isn't going decide whether I move away or not. That would take a radical change involving castration and imprisonment. Anyway, I think the only folks that would move to another state entirely based on this prop are survivors of the Reagan campaign.


Active Member
On second thought, I don't want to forget about people not living in CA....so here's a question for you out of staters....

If prop 19 passes, would you want to move to California (or at least visit frequently)?


Well-Known Member
That's what I figure a lot of people will say...I guess would it make you WANT to, not actually do it?
If you put it that way I still don't think many could say yes. Atleast not on this forum. Lol I can just picture an upper middle class elderly republican huffing and puffing throwing things at his TV yelling at his wife to start packing all of their things.
if ti passes I am staying in Michigan and growing in bundles because when Michigan see's the amount of taxes brought in from the sales alone it will make the state government think twice and it will be 4-8 years down the road.


Well-Known Member
If does pass, I bet the federal government is going to step in and use an injunction to stop this law till the supreme court settles the issue. I read the big stink will be over cali's right to legalized pot since it conflicts with the federal government's rights to schedule drugs. There was a pretty interesting article about this in the wall street journal of all places. It was printed about a week or two ago. Granted this all depends on who the supreme court will side with (i.e the federal Gvt or States rights).

In any case, legalization just doesn't work in terms of tax collections (which is what cali's government cares about and is banking on). I can't imagine a lot of taxable revenue will be collected since a much less illegal black market will exist with no taxes to pay.

In the end, Californians should be happy they have at least decriminalized the drug. To me thats the greatest achievement a state can make in terms of Marijuana being viewed as an item no different than a prescription drug and not the scourge of the Earth as other states make it seem.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I've already been thinking about moving from CA...not because of 19 though.

Very much worse things, indeed.


Well-Known Member
I'd be tempted to jump ship to Cali if it passes since the South is in no rush to do anything with marijuana.


Active Member
If Cali passes 19, we in WA and many other states will be able to see the "fall out" and use their experience...as always, CA will be first and others will follow.

I could never afford to move back to NorCal as much as I would like to, but we have decent medical laws here in Washington State (in part, thanks to California blazing the trail) and I hope it won't be too many more years until marijuana is legal across the board.

Until then, things are sure a lot better than they used to be, and I personally thank California for taking on so many headaches and "growing pains"

I already do a good amount of visiting as most of my family still live in California, so passing 19 wouldn't change my living or visiting habits....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If Cali passes 19, we in WA and many other states will be able to see the "fall out" and use their experience...as always, CA will be first and others will follow.

I could never afford to move back to NorCal as much as I would like to, but we have decent medical laws here in Washington State (in part, thanks to California blazing the trail) and I hope it won't be too many more years until marijuana is legal across the board.

Until then, things are sure a lot better than they used to be, and I personally thank California for taking on so many headaches and "growing pains"

I already do a good amount of visiting as most of my family still live in California, so passing 19 wouldn't change my living or visiting habits....:bigjoint:
I think we can already see what the "fall out" will be. Barrack is sending the po-po to enforce federal law.


Active Member
1. Once this passes and I truly feel it will. And the state sees how much money can be made from it will start a chain reaction. Money is the driving force. If they see the profit others will follow. A new source of income for states neck deep in money woes.

2. The feds arnt going to do jack. Simply put they will be getting kick backs in taxs they never saw befor.