If SHTF, are you ready?


Well-Known Member
i have been thinking about getting into doing some hand loading... if i ever get a really nice bolt action i probably will. or, if my son starts doing competition shooting. :)
For the larger calibers it can save a lot of dough. But to be honest, for .223 and 9mm it doesn't save a dime for hardball ammo.

If you have a 9mm and want to shoot hollow points with P+ loads, then reloading will save some money.

I'm a fan of .308, .30-06 and .45 so can save a TON of money reloading.

If you do decide to hand load be sure to check out the indexing heads (or one pull of the lever = one ready-to-go bullet) otherwise it can turn into a real pain the ass!



Well-Known Member
For the larger calibers it can save a lot of dough. But to be honest, for .223 and 9mm it doesn't save a dime for hardball ammo.

If you have a 9mm and want to shoot hollow points with P+ loads, then reloading will save some money.

I'm a fan of .308, .30-06 and .45 so can save a TON of money reloading.

If you do decide to hand load be sure to check out the indexing heads (or one pull of the lever = one ready-to-go bullet) otherwise it can turn into a real pain the ass!

this guy i know keeps trying to sell me his reloading equipment so maybe i'll check it out. .30~06 is how i get all my "organically grown" meat. lol



Active Member
I'm not sure that you would be able to live off the land if something that major happened. With the current attitudes in political leaders at this time, I'm quite certain that a press of a button from a trigger happy president/prime minister would trigger a nuclear bomb which in turn would contaminate the land and make anything growing unfit for consumption.
I think that would then leave the scientists and indoor growers at an advantage with their cloning technology and methods. But then we would all need sealed living areas to not become contaminated ourselves in the first place.
Sorry to sound bleak but we are all doomed. Lets just hope that evolution happens before an elected leader decides they want to wipe out an entire race simply for having different beliefs to themselves.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure that you would be able to live off the land if something that major happened. With the current attitudes in political leaders at this time, I'm quite certain that a press of a button from a trigger happy president/prime minister would trigger a nuclear bomb which in turn would contaminate the land and make anything growing unfit for consumption.
I think that would then leave the scientists and indoor growers at an advantage with their cloning technology and methods. But then we would all need sealed living areas to not become contaminated ourselves in the first place.
Sorry to sound bleak but we are all doomed. Lets just hope that evolution happens before an elected leader decides they want to wipe out an entire race simply for having different beliefs to themselves.
since this is all fantasy anyway - i think the living off the land scenario precludes a large scale nuclear/asteroid strike which would wipe out humanity and most other living creatures along with us.

I also am going with the odds and figuring whatever catastrophe destroys most of humanity will kill me too! so live it up :joint:


Well-Known Member
I'm too poor to afford an underground shelter. Plus, my family thinks i'm crazy. So, i will just try to survive.....


Well-Known Member
too poor to afford and underground shelter? LOL.. I know someone who bought a junk school bus and buried it for a bomb shelter- same thing and he saved money big time LOL...

And all the food contaminated outside? Plenty of greenhouses- same as indoors. Plus I really don't see how that's plausible. I think shyt is gonna get bad- but something going off making all air on the earth contaminated? Doesn't seem plausible- with winds and different elevations- and other natural obstacles. There would inevitably be some place usable. Where that place would be is anyone's guess tho.


Well-Known Member
too poor to afford and underground shelter? LOL.. I know someone who bought a junk school bus and buried it for a bomb shelter- same thing and he saved money big time LOL...

And all the food contaminated outside? Plenty of greenhouses- same as indoors. Plus I really don't see how that's plausible. I think shyt is gonna get bad- but something going off making all air on the earth contaminated? Doesn't seem plausible- with winds and different elevations- and other natural obstacles. There would inevitably be some place usable. Where that place would be is anyone's guess tho.
Have you ever seen the Bullshit! episode where the guy had a whole bunch of school buses underground as a bomb shelter (the place was condemned and no one was allowed underground because of the danger)?

Penn's comment was something like - so you plan on spending eternity trapped underground in a thing we couldn't even stand being in for the 1/2 hour it took to go to school? then he went on to add if the folks who make the Halloween movies are looking for a new horrific set for their next film - he knows just the place :)

On a side note - i think one of the biggest threat from nuclear war would be some underground explosions that crack the earth enough for the massive volcanoes to start erupting. Once the skies get dark and stay that way for a few centuries very few creatures will survive. I doubt very much any mammals will survive such a disaster. something along the lines of what happened to the dinosaurs only more prolonged and devastating.


Well-Known Member
I think the gov. would try to prevent the underground being disturbed. Fema has been spending billions of dollars for years building hidden underground places to stash government officials "in emergencies".


Well-Known Member
I think the gov. would try to prevent the underground being disturbed. Fema has been spending billions of dollars for years building hidden underground places to stash government officials "in emergencies".
That is certainly true but many, many missile sites are underground - and not just in the US. that is what makes the whole - nuclear strike causes massive volcanic eruptions scenario plausible. And something like that would take thousands of years (more like tens of thousands of years) for the eco-system to recover and life on earth would never be the same - just like the other mass extinctions recorded throughout time - the most recent clearing the way for humans to become so popular. Heck - it wouldn't even take a nuclear strike - a large enough meteor would make the planet uninhabitable for thousands of years.

Their underground bunkers could not save them from that thank goodness. I dread the thought of politicians being the only survivors.


Well-Known Member
I long for the day a giant asteroid impacts the earth and resets everything to the stone age. Purge all of the scum and filth from the world. I would climb a mountain to watch it fall from the sky, I would look at the full moon for the last time, and with a bestial howl I'll embrace death and think of the peace that will follow it.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I long for the day a giant asteroid impacts the earth and resets everything to the stone age. Purge all of the scum and filth from the world. I would climb a mountain to watch it fall from the sky, I would look at the full moon for the last time, and with a bestial howl I'll embrace death and think of the peace that will follow it.:peace:
wow, just go get a 12 gauge, put that bad boy under your chin and let the fun begin!



Well-Known Member
I long for the day a giant asteroid impacts the earth and resets everything to the stone age. Purge all of the scum and filth from the world. I would climb a mountain to watch it fall from the sky, I would look at the full moon for the last time, and with a bestial howl I'll embrace death and think of the peace that will follow it.:peace:
7xstall's mean-spirited post notwithstanding, i can relate to what you are saying. Though to be honest, the purging doesn't interest me as much as what the rebirth would be like - can't even imagine what new species might appear!

I mean - could you ever imagine humans if you lived in the time of the dinosaurs? I don't know about you - but my imagination isn't anything near whacky enough to come up with us!


Well-Known Member
7xstall's mean-spirited post notwithstanding, i can relate to what you are saying. Though to be honest, the purging doesn't interest me as much as what the rebirth would be like - can't even imagine what new species might appear!

I mean - could you ever imagine humans if you lived in the time of the dinosaurs? I don't know about you - but my imagination isn't anything near whacky enough to come up with us!
Hehe, I was only joking. Although there is a side of me that likes to fantasize about apocalyptic scenarios like that. Ideally, only 99% of humans would be eradicated, leaving the fittest, and the sharpest minds around, then they would build a Utopia called Titania, and I would be the all mighty ruler. Oh whoops, I'm dreaming again.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hehe, I was only joking. Although there is a side of me that likes to fantasize about apocalyptic scenarios like that. Ideally, only 99% of humans would be eradicated, leaving the fittest, and the sharpest minds around, then they would build a Utopia called Titania, and I would be the all mighty ruler. Oh whoops, I'm dreaming again.:blsmoke:
i think it is human nature to fantasize about this. most of us don't like to be alone too much and dying is the great "alone" so can be scary - so why not bring a friend or better yet - the whole world! Seems less intimidating if EVERYBODY goes with you :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i think it is human nature to fantasize about this. most of us don't like to be alone too much and dying is the great "alone" so can be scary - so why not bring a friend or better yet - the whole world! Seems less intimidating if EVERYBODY goes with you :mrgreen:
Yeah totally agree, death is less horrifying when the whole world will experience it with you. although I'd rather be the last man on earth than get wiped out with everyone else. I'd be a hermit, and would walk around naked wherever I pleased:hump: or maybe just a :leaf: leafs on my private parts. hehe.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i think it is human nature to fantasize about this. most of us don't like to be alone too much and dying is the great "alone" so can be scary - so why not bring a friend or better yet - the whole world! Seems less intimidating if EVERYBODY goes with you :mrgreen:
When you're alone- you have to face yourself, by yourself. Being alone prolly is the scariest thing in human nature, I agree. It is when you over come this that I believe you become whole. Once you've realized that you need no one else, once you've realized and coped with the worst- once you've realized that everyone is human and truly only you alone are fully looking out for your own interests. When one overcomes the fear of loneliness I think you can truly live, death is not scary- it's a transference of energy. Once you have complete confidence in yourself and depend on no one emotionally- you will fear nothing.

Now.. how to not fear for the ones you love? I'm still working on that one...

I personally prefer to be alone. :blsmoke: But, I've always been like that.

As far as wanting the earth purged- YES YES YES. However you better believe I would be doing anything I could to survive- we need the peaceful to survive, not the well protected elites.


Well-Known Member
When you're alone- you have to face yourself, by yourself. Being alone prolly is the scariest thing in human nature, I agree. It is when you over come this that I believe you become whole. Once you've realized that you need no one else, once you've realized and coped with the worst- once you've realized that everyone is human and truly only you alone are fully looking out for your own interests. When one overcomes the fear of loneliness I think you can truly live, death is not scary- it's a transference of energy. Once you have complete confidence in yourself and depend on no one emotionally- you will fear nothing.

Now.. how to not fear for the ones you love? I'm still working on that one...

I personally prefer to be alone. :blsmoke: But, I've always been like that.

As far as wanting the earth purged- YES YES YES. However you better believe I would be doing anything I could to survive- we need the peaceful to survive, not the well protected elites.

I need people like you in my Utopian city of Titania after the Apocalypse, I have room for 1 more in my bunker, but there's no shower curtain, hope you can live with that. No seriously, I like your attitude on solidarity, I too am a loner by nature.:blsmoke: :peace:


Well-Known Member
I need people like you in my Utopian city of Titania after the Apocalypse, I have room for 1 more in my bunker, but there's no shower curtain, hope you can live with that. No seriously, I like your attitude on solidarity, I too am a loner by nature.:blsmoke: :peace:

:mrgreen: LOL.. there's no shower curtain... LOL... was there one before you invited me? LOL..

How can one truly get to know themselves if they are always spending time with others?

I think that's one of the problems. We are always our worst critic. People have always said "well you have to live with yourself". The thing is today, most people don't have to deal with living with themselves. So many people have been consumed by this moral-less society and no longer have to or choose to face themselves. When you are alone- and in your heart you know you did something wrong, that will eat away at you and imprison you more than any wall, shackle, or bar. In today's world, most people are honestly running from consciousness.


New Member
The ammo for my remington 7MM mag is about 2.50 a cartrige. If you were to do a lot of shooting with it, (Hundreds of rounds) it may pay to get reloading equipment, If you only use it a couple a times a year to bag a buck here and there, or an agressive tresspasser, then pay the price for the premium name brand ammo The ammo for my 7.65X39 AK-SK rounds is so cheap, it certainly wouldnt pay. Now the .45 acp rounds are also quite expensive and if you are going to be competition shooting with one of those, it would pay to get a reloading set up., I keep a full clip with black talon hollow points in the gun for home defense. One shot stop! will blow a hole the size of a grapefruit on exit, ouch!