Ursus marijanus
1) Only of the ammo purchase.Have you ever purchased ammo online? If so, they have a record.
2) it could be a gift.
1) Only of the ammo purchase.Have you ever purchased ammo online? If so, they have a record.
If it ever comes to that, NL, I will get serious about my campaign to suggest that police be held to civilian gun law. I think that is an all-'round good idea. cnSo I become a criminal yet again in the eyes of my government...
They have no record of my weapon, they will not get any record of my weapon. Therefore, they are not going to confiscate my weapon. I am guessing that even if they took the majority of weapons there would still be 50 million of them in America. Add to the fact that the police will still be armed and they are not immune to theft and there will be a nice black market in gun running in the USA.
Welcome to Amerika....
its hard to dismantle the constitution if the people still have a voice and the means to defend itall the actions taken are to control a civilian uprising gun control is only meant to prevent law abiding citizens from owning weapons the criminals dont care if its illegal to own or use them in a normal americans hands a weapon of any kind saves lives a criminal will always be just that .... a gun is like a condom really sucks when you need one and dont have one
You know you're high when you're replying to your own post.its hard to dismantle the constitution if the people still have a voice and the means to defend it
Uuhhh, what was that? cnkiss-ass didnt want the other potheads to forget what i said![]()
Just don't follow her everywhere. cnwow this isnt martha stewarts website how did i get here
Security!! Need Security, over here! Had the guy that saved her had the skiils and means to kill, he wouldn't need to save her.If Gabby Giffords would have had armed protection which was her right if she asked for it or if another person in the crowd was armed they would not have to wait for him to shoot more rounds.
All about try, not do. A progressive court will try. In the future a conservative court will try again. BTW, I noticed Judge Sutor's house was broken into in the Virgin Islands. No one is immune from the way of the gun. One well aimed slug breaks the Ratchet. One well defined Case, even Sotomayor cannot dodge. They are jurists first. They are not stupid.You may wish to familiarize yourself with the opinion Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer committed to paper in the wake of McDonald v. Chicago. Two principles are at work here:
1) the Constitution says what the Supreme Court says it says.
2) If four (three, really ... Sotomayor will very probably rule against the Second being for and about the people, once she senses possibility of a majority) justices with similar views are appointed to that bench, we can expect the Second to be dismantled without much ado.
And then the antigun forces will have a free hand. 'Ware the Ratchet. cn
Addressing mental health will help a lot, but our psychiatry is still effectively Neolithic. it won't begin to satisfy the folks who use school shootings to illustrate what amounts to a zero-tolerance policy. cnI guess limiting the number of rounds is cheaper then addressing the problem of mental health.....
I hope this gets Obama removed from office. There's no greater offense a president can do than violate the Constitution, especially one like the 2nd amendment.Here is a link to a story from The New American website. I think this may be the answer to the unconstitutional gun grab this administration has hinted at. The states and local sheriffs are going to have to spear head this fight.
Just don't follow her everywhere. cn