If U Care About Ur Plants Get This!


Well-Known Member
so i was on her the other day an dthis guy nick tellls me to get this book but he shows me a site i gotta pay for it frum so i look and decide thers probly a better way AND THER WAS i got it free and i am now enlightened to every single aspect that u could ever want to no aabout growin ur own stashand i would like to pass that knowledge onto everyone because this books like the title says ITS THE BIBLE
Torrent - Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor Outdoor Medical Growers Bible:: BitTorrentMonster
so wat u do with this is iif u dont have limewire or sumthin like it (fordownloadin music) go get it (ITS FREE TOO!(look it up on google) then dowload wats at this link (dont let the naked ladies distract you from the path of the bible) ittll say download torent then u look at werever it dowloaded it then click on it and if u have limewire itll open it and start downloadin (takes like a full day but its damn well worth it)


Well-Known Member
wow hey lol i checked out yoru lijnk and i thinks think that the link you are providng us is directed to an illegal torrent site that leik steals from the author and possibly might contain virussessse and stuff lol leik It is hard to avoide downloadin pr0n but anywayz um limewire sux the cokls and so does your bandwitthd LOLOLOLOLOLOLOMGROFLBBQ


Well-Known Member
O I am sure there are books in that file, but there is no way to know if there is a virus.
A virus can be packed into a .rar file along side the books.
I personally wouldn't touch it with a 20 foot pole.


Active Member
the book you are refer ing to haha, is written by my good friend Jorge Cervantes. he is a genius when it come to cannabis horticulture. he really knows his shit. he also has 2 very well made dvd's called Ultimate Grow 1&2. you can find them on isohunt if you use torrents when it comes to books i like to hold them in my hand not print them off ot read them page by page w/ fuckin adobe. anyway take heed to whatever Senior Cervantes says he does not lie. he is up there w/ ed rosenthal and mel frank


Well-Known Member
Isnt it funny that all of us grow weed but are like..."copyright infringment? nah man, thats illegal" haha

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
so i was on her the other day an dthis guy nick tellls me to get this book but he shows me a site i gotta pay for it frum so i look and decide thers probly a better way AND THER WAS i got it free


Experienced growers put years into learning.... then time and effort to write books to help us out and how do some people say thanks.... by trying to steal their work.

Fuck..... quite stealing from those who are providing valuable information. Pay the goddamn $25 for the book loser!


Well-Known Member
ITS NOT A VIRUS i got it an my computers fine but who cares any way? its just a machine u can rebuy this book is packed wit so much shit u wont need to look ANYTHIN up ever again and its so huge CUZ ITS A HUGE BOOK like 500 pages of everythin from sea of green to monster hydro croppage n EVERYTHIN in between an im jus tryin to help out eh? i no this shits gonna make me some greeeeen


Well-Known Member
come on guys i can understand if the writer is poor and shit but if they have hit the big time and made thier fame and fortune writing the most famous books on MJ then fuck it, im not gonna pay for somthing i can get for free unless there is enough of a concequence for it, cuz morally if the guys rich already it doesnt bother my morals at all, so the gov should step in with some sort of deterent but untill then its thier problem to solve i mean its border line stupid to pay for it



Well-Known Member
The only problem here is now someone (no names mentioned) will have to learn how to read. By the way, someone, if you hold down the shift" key, you can capitalize any single letter . . . it doesn't have to be all or none. I've seen your other posts and it's an issue with your writing . . . along with the lack of spelling savvy.


Well-Known Member
The only problem here is now someone (no names mentioned) will have to learn how to read. By the way, someone, if you hold down the shift" key, you can capitalize any single letter . . . it doesn't have to be all or none. I've seen your other posts and it's an issue with your writing . . . along with the lack of spelling savvy.

I always use rapidshare and i figure im not the only one. its alot safer because your downloading form a server, not P2P but if you dont have an account it kinda sucks
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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
come on guys i can understand if the writer is poor and shit but if they have hit the big time and made thier fame and fortune writing the most famous books on MJ then fuck it, im not gonna pay for somthing i can get for free unless there is enough of a concequence for it, cuz morally if the guys rich already it doesnt bother my morals at all, so the gov should step in with some sort of deterent but untill then its thier problem to solve i mean its border line stupid to pay for it

I disagree with your ENTIRE post!

1st of all.... who cares how much money a writer has made... it's STILL THEIR WORK! They are STILL entitled to not have their work stolen! I mean given your logic then we could say MERCEDES has made enough money on their cars.... so perhaps we are all entitled to break in and steal some cars from them.... NOT!

2nd... thinking the GOVERNMENT is the answer is UNFUCKINGBELIEVEABLE! I can't even believe a fellow poster here would EVER suggest the government policing the Internet as preferable.... HOW ABOUT PEOPLE HAVE SOME FUCKING MORALS AND DON'T STEAL ... WITHOUT THE GOVERNMENT TELLING THEM NOT TO!!!

Jesusfuckingchrist Panda.... I can't believe you are advocating stealing a fellow growers work because the GOVERNMENT hasn't stepped in... SHAME ON YOU!