If U Care About Ur Plants Get This!


Active Member
I Thank you Thank you Lots ... Good find and every one you should be ok with this as its for growing !! :) These are PDF files ( hint print them out ) The best reading you will do..

Again thanx cheetah2007 your an asset to this site..

ps: I hope to show you some of my doings in the next few weeks down here in australia cheers!


Well-Known Member
ill start sharing mine
so if u want to try it your download should be quick as hell
so what are u waiting for
go get it
or u can search horticulture on limewire
and download all the individual pdf's
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Well-Known Member
I wonder how many of the people who are anti stealing this book also steal music, movies, or tv... or software. But since some authors use this forum, and their material is out there to download, then I can see the extra sensitivity.

Although, by argueing the thread gets more attention and then the book gets downloaded more. I wonder which will net you a higher fine though, growing or downloading.


Well-Known Member
No torrent are mega slow try NZB's they are better and they have SSL
You really love your SSL don't you. Torrents aren't slow though, I max out my download speed about 4 hours a night downloading the newer shows and what not.

But for everyone else, fear, death, evil come the way of torrents. I have been downloading them for years, and even though I have taken steps like not using anti-virus I have yet to get a virus from them... So beware.


Well-Known Member
is there really a difference
cuz i get all my downloads from lime wire
are there any better places?


Well-Known Member
iptorrent is fastest site i know 1.8mb/s 1800kb/s
but not all torrents go fast
but Nzb are just like them but you pay a little to get everything at max speed