Aliens don't exist. And there's proof - no one has ever found a single piece of an Alien vessel, or anything not from this earth that was made by a 'being'. So ur wasting ur time my friends. You'd be better off filling a pothole in front of your house than doing any further typing in this thread. Or maybe offer to walk your neighbors dog and make a new friend.
Wow! Considering you guys are pot heads "anti-establishment" you are extremely establishment
Why would you assume I am anti-establishment. And that fucked up hippy shit I totally reject having been there and done that.
And maybe you crave Identity, but I don't. It is worse. It is base put down, you say. More passive aggression substituted for facts. No facts for. No facts against.
Do you see what not taking sides really means? Facts don't take sides.
Hmmm. facts may not be truth, but perception. Eye sight can be deceiving. Did you see the video hologram on TV of Topac? Very convincing.
Let's say the powers that be fail at starting WW3 (so far they have failed), the next rabbit out their hat (search Ronald Regan stating ~ if there was an alien invasion...) they can use military grade holograms to convince us that aliens are here and we must band together (give up more rights/freedoms) to fight them, ala Independence Day. So that was put out there ~ 20 years ago. So do their holograms mean there are no aliens? Clearly, no.
I'm betting they exist, but have no interest in exposure. If you were a positive alien race would you subject yourself to exposure, knowing full well, that the controllers would apprehend you, and test/probe/cut open...? And if you were a negative alien race, wouldn't it make sense to make deals with the deal makers... technology in exchange for.... ?
But, you are missing the real answer. Occam's Razor says all the bullshit can fall away.
ONLY, what can stay on the very fine, razor edge of proveable, is real.
In Latin lex parsimoniae, it is a principle of parsimony, economy, or succinctness used in logic and problem-solving. It states that among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected.
No Aliens, at all. Just a scam for money.
So you actually believe that throughout the entire Galaxy, only we exist? WOW
So based on your POV, if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, it doesn't make a sound
You don't know anything about the entire galaxy. You are only going on faith. Or maybe you say statistics. But, you are here in Science discussing this.
So, in Probabilities and Statistics observations have nothing to do wth Buddhist Koan about trees falling or the sound of one hand clapping etc. That again is religion.
In science, if you want to produce fantastic assumption like faster than light or time travel or maybe inter-dimensional aliens running around dark matter, it actually lowers the odds.
The chance that there is one other race within sub-light distance, that knows about us is the same as there is NOT.
The chance is infinite and null at the same time, No data for. No data against.
Why the hell are you in Science talking about belief? I don't give a shit about your belief or your challenges with false logic.
You believe. So what? It is simple mania to expect us to believe you or this. Follow your gods.. A lot people do that.
And I have no beliefs that would interest you.
And so how can you get through to someone if you bring no facts? You are then proselytizing a religion.
Von Daniken is laughing all the way to the bank and back. There is no need to even assume humans are lying greedy assholes.
That is fact of this matter.
So, in Probabilities and Statistics observations have nothing to do wth Buddhist Koan about trees falling or the sound of one hand clapping etc. That again is religion.
In science, if you want to produce fantastic assumption like faster than light or time travel or maybe inter-dimensional aliens running around dark matter, it actually lowers the odds.
The chance that there is one other race within sub-light distance, that knows about us is the same as there is NOT.
The chance is infinite and null at the same time, No data for. No data against.
You have your beliefs and faiths and I am not in the religion.
I agree with Heck, the chances are equal. So, the best assumption, is $$.
Heck feels he want to believe the universe is full of aliens, but he is not saying they are here.
We also agree on... so what?
I may not have said it, but that doesn't mean anything more than I can sympathize with those that have doubts from a rational perspective.
Personally, I have no doubts; however, that's a tale I don't (and won't) discuss in public.
Well, if we are talking sympathy, fine. I have almost paralyzing sympathy for everyone and everything.
It is not science.
Sure... it's not science... at best it could be called "empirical data".
To be science, it would need some of Popper's falsification.