They still play football? And you folks care? How cute

Did you know LED growing is officially dead as of 1/16/2015? That's according to our latest Nobel winner, blue LED co-inventor Shuji Nakamura. Can you say Laser Diode Array? Hmmm? How about fuck plasma? Hmmm, I thought you could.
"The power and sparkle of
laser diodes, already used in some car headlights, will eventually replace LEDs and become the dominant form of lighting..." he predicted.
There is a limitation to LEDs,” Nakamura, a materials science professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, told a press conference Friday at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Tokyo. “
By increasing the input power, LEDs become very bright. But the problem is that with the increase of power, the efficiency gradually decreases.”
In contrast,
the input power for laser diodes can be increased endlessly with very high efficiency, he said, adding that “In the near future, all lighting will be from laser-based lighting.”
That's right football fans it's pulse width and duty cycles that will be shaping your life not whether or not that sawed off twerp in New England cheats in football. I remember when they used to open and close those massive doors in the Meadowlands when opposing teams would kick-off or attempt field goals to change the wind direction mid game. He's always been a POS. Just like the majority of guys I knew who played football.