Here's their latest 200W model, purchased after they went "dark" for a time a few months earlier. The case does get a little too hot for my taste, I'm thinking of either getting small fans to blow across the lights or install 40mm fans on the exhaust ports to facilitate air movement.
Test run with and without optics (check out color temps, all are 4000K):
Two of the units were a bit banged up at the corners, but nothing that would compromise safety or performance. Just a few more pieces and this grow is good to go! And I got a migraine from staring at the mylar too long, being light sensitive and all. Going to need sunglasses when working under these lights.
I might have to stop looking at the LED thread for the next few months to prevent buyer's remorse - there are a TON of new community lights coming that I unfortunately couldn't wait for any longer.