I ordered the 2015 model for $1,900 few weeks ago, maybe they dropped their prices idk.
I haven't found anyone complaining about them, which is pretty rare for an led company. But yeah, I can't find any journals either
I looked at soooo many different LED's & then I talked to ALOT of different people that actually had different lights b4 I bought my light & for "ME" this company & this light (spydr 600) were the best choice...
I've only had this light for a short period of time so let's see if I'm still this happy with my purchase in a year from now!!
I feel pretty confident that I will, but only time will tell.
Here are just a few of the reasons that I chose this light:
1) The Company is located in the USA (Austin Texas) & I live 90 miles away
2) The owner Nick is very helpful & honest with tons of experience (He & another guy designed this system)
3) The design versatility is perfect for ME. I can add or subtract different lights to change the color spectrum & ppfd very easily. I don't know of any other design that allows for such versatility without using any tools. just unscrew a couple of knobs & take off or add as many lights as you like. SIMPLE
4) You can order custom light frequencies you don't have to stick with the predesigned spectrum since every light is custom made to order any way.
5) This light does NOT need nor does it have a cooling fan. This is very important because if you buy a light that does have a fan & the fan goes out after 13,000 hrs then it no longer matters that the light itself is good for 50,000hrs because your light is useless without the fan....AND that is exactly what happens to ALOT of these LED's that require a cooling fan, so keep that in mind!
6) The company prides itself on only using quality parts & does not use any cheap knockoff crap in it's lights like so many other companies do.
7) Because the company is close to me, I was able to personally talk to other people that already have the light & I was able to see it operate in person.

I did not find a single person that actually had "personal knowledge" of this light that had anything negative to say about it or the company. (excluding competitors or others who had skin in the game).
These are most of the reasons that I felt like this particular light was right for me!
Good Luck!