If you are using tap water for your plants..

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Obama is scum just like Bush - Sorry, I just like America, and America is not supposed to embrace socialism(again). Oh, and fuck John McCain and every other republican candidate, except Ron Paul. And I hope Obama wins so we can all witness 80% of America get their hopes up and get duped again, while the other 20% gets ridiculed, called conspiracy nuts, and FUCKED by the retarded 80%.
Its probably more 90/10.
As long as you include the right wing fascist with the left wing socialist!:mrgreen:

Obama will get elected, he will change some things, and in four years when he gets ousted i do believ whoever takes office then will be able to better change the country. . . .Even if Obama wanted to, its gonna take a few years to get the Debt of this country down!!

:peace: ~~TLB


New Member
As long as you include the right wing fascist with the left wing socialist!:mrgreen:

Obama will get elected, he will change some things, and in four years when he gets ousted i do believ whoever takes office then will be able to better change the country. . . .Even if Obama wanted to, its gonna take a few years to get the Debt of this country down!!

:peace: ~~TLB
Unfortunately lowering the national debt isnt of interest to the international banks that invested heavily in Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, John Edwards, Thompson and the rest(cept Ron Paul, his biggest contributors were Microsoft and Google, and the general public).

You can look up the campaign contributions yourself, the banks im talking about is primarily Chase & JP Morgan - both early contributors to the federal reserve debt-as-currency system.
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Well-Known Member
General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream.

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Lord, Jack.

General Jack D. Ripper: You know when fluoridation first began?

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: I... no, no. I don't, Jack.

General Jack D. Ripper: Nineteen hundred and forty-six. Nineteen forty-six, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.


Well-Known Member
Haha you're even a Ron Paul nut. I like some of Ron Paul's ideas but you hardcaore supporters all seem to be the conspiracy nuts as well. The way you all stick together is admiring. You keep believing every conspiracy since most goes towards your believe in a big bad secret government, never mind Bush's secret wire taps got out to the public and tons of other things, yet you think flouride in water is a big secret meant to make us dumber and/or controlled.

Maybe I work for this program and they pay me to grow pot and when you type these conspiricies it's my job to keep the unsure....unsure. My job is great! When you get older you'll realize how dumb these ideas were. I actually have a friend who sells water cleaning systems and he talks about the flouride thing as a sells pitch along with the arsenic and such. So inturn he's using it against you and you people buy it all the time I guess.


New Member
Haha you're even a Ron Paul nut. I like some of Ron Paul's ideas but you hardcaore supporters all seem to be the conspiracy nuts as well. The way you all stick together is admiring. You keep believing every conspiracy since most goes towards your believe in a big bad secret government, never mind Bush's secret wire taps got out to the public and tons of other things, yet you think flouride in water is a big secret meant to make us dumber and/or controlled.

Maybe I work for this program and they pay me to grow pot and when you type these conspiricies it's my job to keep the unsure....unsure. My job is great! When you get older you'll realize how dumb these ideas were. I actually have a friend who sells water cleaning systems and he talks about the flouride thing as a sells pitch along with the arsenic and such. So inturn he's using it against you and you people buy it all the time I guess.
Not much of a reader are ya? It's ok. The way you're talking, you're probably pretty old, and that just means you'll die faster. Stoked :joint: :mrgreen:


New Member
Haha you're even a Ron Paul nut. I like some of Ron Paul's ideas but you hardcaore supporters all seem to be the conspiracy nuts as well. The way you all stick together is admiring. You keep believing every conspiracy since most goes towards your believe in a big bad secret government, never mind Bush's secret wire taps got out to the public and tons of other things, yet you think flouride in water is a big secret meant to make us dumber and/or controlled.

Maybe I work for this program and they pay me to grow pot and when you type these conspiricies it's my job to keep the unsure....unsure. My job is great! When you get older you'll realize how dumb these ideas were. I actually have a friend who sells water cleaning systems and he talks about the flouride thing as a sells pitch along with the arsenic and such. So inturn he's using it against you and you people buy it all the time I guess.
Also, this is unrelated, but I know you watch alot of televised news, so Im betting you believe that Russia just invaded poor helpless Georgia, our Ally, and the S Ossetians are praying for Georgian troops or Americans to rescue them.


Watch those videos, then go to the store and buy some Crystal Light with aspartame. Make a big ol pitcher of tap water and crystal light and pour yourself a drink buddy. Crystal light or RAID roach killer would be fitting for you, since you like to enjoy your poison rather than be bothered by pesky conspiracy theories.


New Member
it is no conspiracy that water has the metal flouride... however it is not a heavy metal at all as you say in your first post
tap water is "treated" with a heavy metal called Fluoride.
... that is hype... the atomic weight of flourine is 18.994 compared to "light" metals such as copper (atomic weight 63.54) or titanium (atomic weight 47.9) or aluminum (atomic weight 26.9815)...
we have all known for years they have been putting it in our water,, and they have been doing it for years. Only a few years ago (well more than 5 i think) they found out that flouride is only healthy for the enamel on your teeth and in fact when you digest flouride it does the exact opposite and weakens teeth and bones.
So really our drinking water should not be drank,, but rather be swished around in your mouth then spat back out... thats why you are not supposed to swallow toothpaste or that shit they put on your teeth at the dentist,, because it is poisonous,, just like chlorine,, something they put in our drinking water as well... male professional swimmers have the highest chance of testicular cancer from reasons other than hereditary, because the male scrotum has 100% dermal absorption.. the chlorine in swimming pools is the same chlorine in your tap water,, just less concentrated........ you want to get even more pissed off?? check out one of my threads... it doesnt get good untill after the first few pages because of some capitalist asshole that shall remain nameless... he may be something like a doughy covering stuffed with fake meat

ive given up on conspiracies, you cant prove them,, this is all truth baby,, pure cold hard truth,, and we are still doing nothing (or not enough) about it


New Member
Oops sorry, I was actually looking at the list of TOXIC metals, not heavy metals. Toxic metal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - right hand side.

My bad :blsmoke:

it is no conspiracy that water has the metal flouride... however it is not a heavy metal at all as you say in your first post... that is hype... the atomic weight of flourine is 18.994 compared to "light" metals such as copper (atomic weight 63.54) or titanium (atomic weight 47.9) or aluminum (atomic weight 26.9815)...
we have all known for years they have been putting it in our water,, and they have been doing it for years. Only a few years ago (well more than 5 i think) they found out that flouride is only healthy for the enamel on your teeth and in fact when you digest flouride it does the exact opposite and weakens teeth and bones.
So really our drinking water should not be drank,, but rather be swished around in your mouth then spat back out... thats why you are not supposed to swallow toothpaste or that shit they put on your teeth at the dentist,, because it is poisonous,, just like chlorine,, something they put in our drinking water as well... male professional swimmers have the highest chance of testicular cancer from reasons other than hereditary, because the male scrotum has 100% dermal absorption.. the chlorine in swimming pools is the same chlorine in your tap water,, just less concentrated........ you want to get even more pissed off?? check out one of my threads... it doesnt get good untill after the first few pages because of some capitalist asshole that shall remain nameless... he may be something like a doughy covering stuffed with fake meat

ive given up on conspiracies, you cant prove them,, this is all truth baby,, pure cold hard truth,, and we are still doing nothing (or not enough) about it


Well-Known Member
i use water out of my fish pond, and it seems to work out just fine haha i dont even think we put chemicals in it, its just like a tiny ecosystem


New Member
i use water out of my fish pond, and it seems to work out just fine haha i dont even think we put chemicals in it, its just like a tiny ecosystem
The fish survived, thats a good sign. Fluoride pollution can kill salmon, linked to it earlier in the thread. I take glee in spreading this information, and im glad so many people, more than I thought, know about it.


Well-Known Member
I read a lot, but I read everything and if something doesn't make sense it's not true in my opinion. I'm 30 so not to old, but I'm passed the conspiracy stage, I look back and laugh at myself for the things I'd spout. Maybe the flouride just kicked in?


New Member
I'm 30 so not to old
Thats disappointing. I hope you take my advice and make yourself a drink though. You can call it a conspiracy theory all you want, but remember my post was a statement about fluoride, not about conspiracies, and I later linked to the documents I was referring to, so, it is no theory. I did state my opinion that it is a conspiracy, but given I have no names or proof that people conspired, I admit its just a theory. Fluoride is a toxic poison though, and its been proven to harm your teeth, skeletal system and brain when drank in water. When you get over yourself, maybe you'll figure that out. Its not like I was talking about 2012, lizard people. Its stuff you can go verify easily for yourself, if you were so inclined. Thats why we "conspiracy theorists" stick together, especially when the evidence is undeniable and we're fighting against the propaganda you love so much.


New Member
Oops sorry, I was actually looking at the list of TOXIC metals, not heavy metals. Toxic metal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - right hand side.

My bad :blsmoke:
according to that article Oxygen is a toxic metal too... are you going to tell people to stop breathing?

btw find a better source of info,, wikipedia is shit... and stop copying and pasting,, it makes you look like a fool.... in your first post 50% of what was there you typed and the other half was copied from various sources,,, i hope you put a little more time into your homework than you do on here,, lmao


Well-Known Member
Wikipedia isn't even a reliable source, don't know why people read that site. But if your telling me fluoride isn't a poison, your a faux nut


New Member
Wikipedia isn't even a reliable source, don't know why people read that site. But if your telling me fluoride isn't a poison, your a faux nut
im not saying its not poisonous,, im just pointing out the fact that wikipedia sucks and cannot be trusted... i posted earlier stating that it is not a conspiracy theory that are water is tainted with not just the toxin flouride but others such as chlorine namely.... i guess the fact that we have known for some time that it is not good to digest flouride yet we continue to put it in the water is where there is room for conspiracy... i just blame it on the gov's lazy ass,, and the fact it would cost money


New Member
in fact i encourage.. and sometime have to argue,,, with users to not use tap water but rather to use spring, distilled, or R/O.... some people dont like to use spring because of the high ppm but some of those parts are micronutrients,, something your plant needs.... Distilled and R/O are the purest forms of water availible, R/O being the cheaper of the two. you would want the pure water for mother plants to reduce salt buildup... but normal plants arent in the soil long enough to cause a significant buildup of salts from spring water


New Member
according to that article Oxygen is a toxic metal too... are you going to tell people to stop breathing?

btw find a better source of info,, wikipedia is shit... and stop copying and pasting,, it makes you look like a fool.... in your first post 50% of what was there you typed and the other half was copied from various sources,,, i hope you put a little more time into your homework than you do on here,, lmao

I use 1 wikipedia article. And thats all you got. So far instead of proving fluoride doesnt cause what Ive claimed, people have attacked me for using wikipedia once and pappy thinks hes older and wiser. And if you read my prior posts to this thread, you'd see that.

I copy and pasted one portion of a website once, and linked to the documents I referenced. You gotta read the whole thread before making blanket statements like that.


New Member
just pointing out your copyright infringement,,, the least you could do is put your pirated material in quotes and reference a source to be credited.. instead of pretending it came from your own brain,,, oh well... and i totally agree that flouride is bad and its fucked they still put it into water,, but its not a conspiracy theory,,, its an example how lazy we are,, we wont even tell the gov to stop putting shit in our water even though we pay them lots of money everyday,,, everyday you live you are giving money to the gov to take care of us,,, and they are not... i totally agree with you but i do not agree with copying and pasting material like it was your own words... thats all


New Member
What are you bitching about? I think its apparent the ONLY section I copied and pasted below here, is copied and pasted, and not from me Its indented and everything. I think you're being argumentative for the sake. If thats the case, fuck off, but thanks for not being a fluoride drone.

Info is info. You're picking out shit thats irrelevant, "makes you look like a fool" to me at least.

This doesnt need a response, im not going to argue over shit that doesnt matter, we both agree on the main point, which does matter. Mission accomplished, over 600 people have read the thread, and if we woke 1 person up, im happy.

Heres my copyright infringement WHICH I TRIED TO PASS OFF AS MY OWN WRITING OF COURSE(not). Most of its quotes anyway. Everything else I either wrote or linked to. Yes im aware that somebody else has already written out the details I wrote, if you want to be critical.

O and its from http://fluoridealert.org - However the actual report the quotes are pulled out from is sourced where it says NAS website. I just realized you claimed I tried to pass these peoples quotes off as my own writing. They are QUOTES!

National Research Council report:
The report can also be purchased online at the NAS website.
The report "should be a wake-up call."
- Dr. Robert Isaacson, NRC Panel Member.
“The thyroid changes do worry me. There are some things there that need to be explored. What the committee found is that we’ve gone with the status quo regarding fluoride for many years—for too long, really—and now we need to take a fresh look. In the scientific community, people tend to think this is settled. I mean, when the U.S. surgeon general comes out and says this is one of the 10 greatest achievements of the 20th century, that’s a hard hurdle to get over. But when we looked at the studies that have been done, we found that many of these questions are unsettled and we have much less information than we should, considering how long this [fluoridation] has been going on. I think that’s why fluoridation is still being challenged so many years after it began. In the face of ignorance, controversy is rampant.”
- Dr. John Doull , NRC Panel Chair
“The difference between the levels of fluoride causing toxic effects and the levels added to water to prevent tooth decay is vanishingly small and deeply troubling.”
- Dr. J. William Hirzy, Vice President, Environmental Protection Agency's Headquarters Union, Washington DC.
"l personally feel that the NRC report is relevant to many aspects of the water fluoridation debate... [T]he report discusses the wide range of drinking water intake among members of the population, which means that groups with different fluoride concentrations in their drinking water may still have overlapping distributions of individual fluoride exposure. ln other words, the range of individual fluoride exposures at 1 mg/L will overlap the range of individual exposures at 2 mg/L or even 4 mg/L. Thus, even without consideration of differences in individual susceptibility to various effects, the margin of safety between 1 and 4 mg/L is very low."
- Dr. Kathleen Thiessen, NRC Panel Member.
“The crucial message of this report is that the highest scientific authority in the US has determined that low levels of fluoride in drinking water may have serious adverse health effects."
- Dr. Paul Connett, Executive Director, Fluoride Action Network.
"In my opinion, the evidence that fluoridation is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelming and policy makers who avoid thoroughly reviewing recent data before introducing new fluoridation schemes do so at risk of future litigation."
- Dr. Hardy Limeback, NRC Panel Member.