If you are using tap water for your plants..


Well-Known Member
Keep slurping that fluoride yuck mouths. Brown=Bad. I'm glad my water supply isn't fluoridated, my kids wont have mental problems :)


Well-Known Member
Finally I am on the right side of the theory! I am glad we have a well water system and in the winter I melt snow for my grow. My starting PPM'S are so low it is better than RO and store bought Wally water!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, I have never seen the Matrix since I am not into all that scifi imaginary non sense. This is not a theory. Here is an article from Time magazine about how bad the fluoride is. Not in My Water Supply - TIME

This is a real issue, but you can call me a theorist if you'd like. I don't go around talking to people about fluoride in the water, I just happened to run across this thread.

People that take EVERYTHING the gov/doctors says as the truth, have a definite problem. Take the mercury in fillings for instance. For years, they were considered safe, no body thought twice about them. But now the FDA is finally going back and finding all sorts of things wrong with them. Many dentists are refusing to use the mercury fillings anymore, and I'm sure they will soon be banned. Yet 20yrs ago, these were the best way to fill a tooth.

Just because we thought something was the right thing to do, doesn't always mean that it was. We can come across new facts and this will change the way every one thinks about things. This is what is going on with the fluoride. People are realizing they don't need it in their water. It is good for you applied topically, thats why its in our toothpaste. But if you read a warning on toothpaste, it says if more than used for brushing is swallowed, call poison control. If the fluoride wasn't bad for you, why would toothpaste have a warning like this?

Like I said, I'm not a conspiracy theorists. But with this issue, you can't deny the facts that 32% of american children have dental fluorosis and that children in communities with fluoridated water don't have a lower rate of severe tooth decay. And these are the reasons we they want to put it in our water. Seems reasonable right?


Well-Known Member
Well, I have never seen the Matrix since I am not into all that scifi imaginary non sense. This is not a theory. Here is an article from Time magazine about how bad the fluoride is. Not in My Water Supply - TIME

This is a real issue, but you can call me a theorist if you'd like. I don't go around talking to people about fluoride in the water, I just happened to run across this thread.

People that take EVERYTHING the gov/doctors says as the truth, have a definite problem. Take the mercury in fillings for instance. For years, they were considered safe, no body thought twice about them. But now the FDA is finally going back and finding all sorts of things wrong with them. Many dentists are refusing to use the mercury fillings anymore, and I'm sure they will soon be banned. Yet 20yrs ago, these were the best way to fill a tooth.

Just because we thought something was the right thing to do, doesn't always mean that it was. We can come across new facts and this will change the way every one thinks about things. This is what is going on with the fluoride. People are realizing they don't need it in their water. It is good for you applied topically, thats why its in our toothpaste. But if you read a warning on toothpaste, it says if more than used for brushing is swallowed, call poison control. If the fluoride wasn't bad for you, why would toothpaste have a warning like this?

Like I said, I'm not a conspiracy theorists. But with this issue, you can't deny the facts that 32% of american children have dental fluorosis and that children in communities with fluoridated water don't have a lower rate of severe tooth decay. And these are the reasons we they want to put it in our water. Seems reasonable right?
Mercury fillings are safe.

If you use toothpaste correctly you don't swallow it. It's made for cleaning your teeth not for eating.

The chance of an adult getting fluorsis is very low for an adult, but you shouldn't be concerned in the first place if you live in a city with a competent water department. Of those 32% of children "suffering" from dental flourosis the vast majority of its effects are purely cosmetic.

Fluroide is absolutly known to lower the rate of tooth decay. There is no question.


Well-Known Member
It lowers the rate when applied topically not ingested.

Why is toothpaste for cleaning and not eating? Because of the fluoride in it. If you use toothpaste correctly, you don't need fluoride in your water either. And even if the fluorosis is cosmetic, do you want you child to have brown spots all over their teeth? I sure don't.


Well-Known Member
Here is some stuff about the mercury fillings.
Malibu Times > Archives > News > Malibu dentist aims to ban mercury amalgam fillings

YouTube - Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas

The second one is the video mentioned in the link you provided. The only thing is, the link you posted doesn't have the facts straight. Hot air rises, so much, that it can raise a ballon, a bag, etc. This is why the vapors are rising, they are heated. It also goes on to state that the FDA has changed their stance from calling them safe, and now needs more research.

Read some of the comments at the bottom of the page. It says how the combustibles in cigarette smoke are also heavier than air, but these rise. Why? Because things that are heated can end up "lighter" than air.


Well-Known Member
I read that whole TIME article, and didn't learn anything new, that I didn't learn from the minimal research I did, the first time I stumbled upon this thread.

The thing about articles like these, is they prove nothing. All it is is a culmination of news from the past years.

TIME Magazine said:
Hydrogen fluoride is regulated as a hazardous pollutant in emissions from chemical plants and has been linked to respiratory illness.
They just throw shit like this in there, when it's completely irrelevant. This has absolutely nothing to do with water.

TIME Magazine said:
The 2001 thesis showed a sevenfold increased risk of osteosarcoma in preadolescent boys from fluoridated water.
Right... yet there hasn't been one patient diagnosed with osteosarcoma, with tap water being the cause.

It's all a bunch of worry. That's the thing. There's no victims, just skeptics.

BTW, Sorry I came off a bit harsh in that last post, which was because I despise conspiracies like this. I wasn't pointing a finger at ya and callin' ya one of 'em. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
This fluoride and the mercury thing are the only two "conspiracies" that I am really concerned about. For the most part, I'm not one of those paranoid people that think the gov is watching us, trying to control us, etc. Just these two issues really bother me. I guess mainly because I just got 3 fillings.


Active Member
You people who are against the "conspiracy theorists" are actually pretty sad. You all act the same. You are all usually very rude, mean, and arrogant. You also never seem to want to discuss the facts, but instead just laugh and make insults. What is the point of that?

And I can't stand dumbass remarks like, "Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's true." lol, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? What kind of idiotic logic is that? You do know that just because something is published in a book also does not automatically make it true right? False information can be found ANYWHERE, not only on the Internet, so quit trying to make the Internet look like some sort of haven for false information.

Fact of the matter is, whether the flouride is involved or not, the governments want the public to be dumbed down. They do not want an educated public capable of critical thinking so they can sit around the coffee table at night and discuss the inner-workings of the Federal Reserve and how royally it is destroying this country.

All of you Government dick-riders need to wake up and realize that they are NOT looking out for the citizen's well being, it's more like the opposite.

A lot of these "conspiracies" are meant to be secret in the first place, so you wouldn't expect information about them to be so readily available, would you? You can't just sit down for one evening and learn everything there is to know about the elite people who supposedly want to take over the world, so obviously the whole idea would sound ridiculous to you when you read a little paragraph about it because you don't know any of the details. Unless you have put in the time to research this shit (which for me has been years and years), then I suggest you just shut the fuck up about something that you don't seem to know shit about.

Americans are the worst. Americans are the most entertained, and least informed people in the world. Not to mention pompous and arrogant when they claim to know everything about everything.

What is going on today is basically Hitler's "Big Lie." If you don't know what I'm talking about just look up "Hitler's Big Lie" and you will see the connection.

Most people are being taken for a ride, and it is so disappointing to see those same people throw important facts and information right back into the faces of people trying to wake them up. This is why it is too late, and we have basically already lost. I'm getting close to being where the average idiot in denial is, because I don't think there is much more we can do now. So let's just all sit back, spark up a fat blunt, and do nothing about anything. Our children and grandchildren are going to have one great world to live in, let me tell you...


Well-Known Member
Seriously, wow. First of all, your first paragraph makes it painstakingly obvious the only reason you posted is because you felt under fire by me.
First of all I apologized for any harshness that might be contracted from that first post. Second of all you say "'we' never seem to want to discuss the fact, but instead just laugh and make insults". Are you even serious? The only things I even argued about WERE the facts, or, given my position, YOUR LACK of facts.

And what the fuck is that supposed to mean? It means you're gullible, and can be convinced by a single internet article. By no means is the internet the only place for false information, but I was using that because that's where the majority of your propaganga comes from, and you further incriminate yourself by later telling people to "look up" another conspiracy theory.

Your post contains nothing factual, and furthermore, you're a hypocrite.
Most people are being taken for a ride,
Looks like you've been on the loony-go-round just a liiiittle bit too long. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Seriously, wow. First of all, your first paragraph makes it painstakingly obvious the only reason you posted is because you felt under fire by me.
First of all I apologized for any harshness that might be contracted from that first post. Second of all you say "'we' never seem to want to discuss the fact, but instead just laugh and make insults". Are you even serious? The only things I even argued about WERE the facts, or, given my position, YOUR LACK of facts.

And what the fuck is that supposed to mean? It means you're gullible, and can be convinced by a single internet article. By no means is the internet the only place for false information, but I was using that because that's where the majority of your propaganga comes from, and you further incriminate yourself by later telling people to "look up" another conspiracy theory.
See what I'm talking about? A SINGLE internet article? Why would you assume something so stupid?

I have been researching "alternative subjects" for over 10 years straight now. These are not things you can expect to know a lot about overnight.

I don't even want to bother reading my whole post again, but I am pretty sure the only thing I told people to "look up" was Hitler's Big Lie. Please tell me, how in the world, is Hitler's Big Lie a "conspiracy theory?" That is the dumbest shit I have read all day. Hitler's Big Lie is a concept, not a conspiracy theory. :-?


Well-Known Member
See what I'm talking about? A SINGLE internet article? Why would you assume something so stupid?

I have been researching "alternative subjects" for over 10 years straight now. These are not things you can expect to know a lot about overnight.
I didn't say, "You read one article and decided to be a conspiracy theorist." No. The point was, all it takes is one false internet article to convince someone, and after they decide to look into it further, they crawl deeper into the spawning grounds of misinformation, the internet. I'm glad you've found these "alternative subjects" worth your time for the past decade.

I don't even want to bother reading my whole post again, but I am pretty sure the only thing I told people to "look up" was Hitler's Big Lie. Please tell me, how in the world, is Hitler's Big Lie a "conspiracy theory?" That is the dumbest shit I have read all day. Hitler's Big Lie is a concept, not a conspiracy theory. :-?
MY bad on this one, I'm reading up on it right now. First of all I'll at least commend you on the fact that you at least know a little about the psychology, or at least the presumed psychology of the subject. The way you said it I thought it was another conspiracy theory.

Anyways since you feel that Hitlers Big Lie is what's going on, why don't you enlighten us to what the little true lie is? I couldn't help but notice your first post contained nothing factual, and sounded like you didn't even want to try.


Active Member
Although I have researched most of them in depth, I'm not here to argue about conspiracy theories, this is a weed board. I simply wanted to point out that anything that is slightly related to anything "conspiratorial" is not always automatically false as a lot of people seem to think.

Most people have been conditioned and manipulated to think that way, and by doing that you are playing right into their hand. They want you to start yelling "Kook!" rather than discussing and learning.

Open your minds up to the possibility that things aren't always the way they seem. It is healthy to question things and dig deeper for information about them and it helps us to grow and learn as a society.


Well-Known Member
I understand what you're saying, even though it's only half-way directed towards me.

Like you said, when you say bullshit, the conspirators smile. But I never said bullshit, I said I hate the way they go about things. They go about it so flippant that it's almost more about gauging a reaction that spreading information. They don't want to spread info, they want to spread controversy, and that's often why they avoid fact, and rely on propaganda and lies. So the reason for me disagreeing isn't the fact that I don't believe the fluoride is there, it's the fact that it's much ado about nothing.

I'm always open to discuss the info and argue about the facts, that's why I read into the big lie thing when I found out I misunderstood. Believe me, I don't "argue" for fun, and I don't like the word argue, because it implies bickering for no reason. But there is a reason -- when two people share their sides, with the absence of hostility, not only can both people learn, but it opens the door for a 3rd person to look over the debate and learn a ton, from reading a simple debate.


New Member
Regarding the spawning grounds of misinformation, those grounds tend to be mostly on the government and public perception side rather than scientific research and recent data.

I agree some conspiracy theories are just completely whack. And my theory that ALCOA and commies conspired to add fluoride to our water could be completely false. The fact that high fluoride levels have been linked to mental retardation, lower IQs, and fucked up teeth doesnt fit into the conspiracy theory category as if stated several times before.

All you have to do is read and cross-reference. You can do this with old studies and find out fluoride is good for your teeth, or do it with new ones and find out what I posted here is true.

Either way, if you're and American, and you like the idea of having a constitutional republic, you probably don't like the idea of the socialized fluoridation of water. It's unAmerican to rob tax payers to fund something such as "medicating" the water supply.

Fluoridation is wrong for a lot of reasons.

But if you disagree, please by all means drink lots of tap water. Give it to your plants, kids and animals.

I didn't say, "You read one article and decided to be a conspiracy theorist." No. The point was, all it takes is one false internet article to convince someone, and after they decide to look into it further, they crawl deeper into the spawning grounds of misinformation, the internet. I'm glad you've found these "alternative subjects" worth your time for the past decade.

MY bad on this one, I'm reading up on it right now. First of all I'll at least commend you on the fact that you at least know a little about the psychology, or at least the presumed psychology of the subject. The way you said it I thought it was another conspiracy theory.

Anyways since you feel that Hitlers Big Lie is what's going on, why don't you enlighten us to what the little true lie is? I couldn't help but notice your first post contained nothing factual, and sounded like you didn't even want to try.


Active Member
Also, devknob, you keep emphasizing that you don't believe in conspiracy theories, but do believe that flouride has been maliciously placed in our drinking supply.

How can you believe that and not believe in the New World Order (which I am assuming is probably one of the "crazy theories" you mention)? They basically go hand in hand... dumbing down the public by all means and mass depopulization is supposedly part of their plan.


New Member

I consider crazy conspiracy theories Lizard people, 2012, Russia attacked Georgia first, stuff liek that.

I don't talk about 911 or the NWO because I think it makes people look loony to most others. Its unfortunate.

I choose fluoride cause its easy to prove (to people that read) and I believe it makes things like 911 and the NWO possible. Make people stupid, they'll believe anything.