IF you break a CFL bulb


Elite Rolling Society
IF you break a CFL [FONT=verdana, arial,
helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial,
Helvetica, sans-serif]

1) Open a window before cleaning up, and turn off any forced-air heating or air conditioning.

2) Instead of sweeping or vacuuming, which can spread the mercury around, scoop up the glass fragments and powder. Use sticky tape to pick up remaining glass fragments or powder. Wipe the area clean with a damp paper towel or wet wipes.

3) Dispose of the broken bulb through your local household hazardous waste program or recycling program. If that service is unavailable in your area, place all clean-up materials in a trash container outside the building.

4) Wash your hands after cleaning up.

5) If vacuuming is needed afterwards, when all visible materials have been removed, vacuum the area and dispose of the vacuum bag in a sealed plastic bag. For the next few times you vacuum, turn off any forced-air heating or air conditioning and open a window before doing so.

This is a copy andf paste from a newsletter I get.


Well-Known Member
Nonsense, there is no danger. I've been accidentally breaking fluorescents for the past three years and i'm fine.

The amount of mercury inside is minuscule.