If you could punch one person in the face...


Well-Known Member
Ot: I would punch that fucker cranford nix rigjt in the face for dying and shit... no wait I would punch the dude that kicked me out of thw andrew jackson jihad concert because thay concert had jeff rosenstock playing >:(


Well-Known Member
"If i had a hundred sanwiches i'd eat them all at once"
I love that song. Good find Yess!
It was one of my family road trip to the east coast tapes! My parents had binders of kids songs on tape that we would listen to. I can’t believe they didn’t go insane in the 23 hour drives, but they took it like champs.


Sandwiches was always my favourite song.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone said Gavin Rossdale yet? If not that's my choice. If so id like to get in a second punch on that fucking twat.


Well-Known Member
My attorney general because he destroys peoples lives by locking up marijuana patients for having marijuana.